I remember always being berated by my then girlfriend when i could never find Ecclesiastes. "It's after proverbs!!" she's angrily whisper to me and dig me in the side with her elbow. To be fair to her, to this day i never forget where Ecclesiastes is.
I remember when i first came to the KH with a kindle with all my books on there. I was the first one to use a tablet. The "cool" people thought it was a fad and im just showing off. Two elders almost demanded that i use actual books. One guy at the back in the middle of the meeting hissed to his wife "look! he's playing games!!" (i wasn't, i was just turning the page on the kindle).
Then it was announced that tablets are ok but DEFINITELY not on the platform. The reason being the the bible is "your sword".
Fast forward to now, almost no one in that hall uses paper mags and books anymore. No one on the platform does either.
So i like to think of myself as a trend setter