Whenever i read the bible it's abundantly clear to me that Jesus is not god. But then the bible is a mass of contradictions and fairy tales so who cares what it says?
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
I hate the Watchtower but I really still hate the Trinity Jesus is NOT God!
by Witness 007 insome bibles use the term "worship" when refering to jesus...at times people did fall down and bow to him........this doesn't show he was god!
the greek term; proskeyneo, means to prostrate oneself, to bow down and show honour.
now, this was done for jehovah.....and his representatives....jesus israelite kings and priests....but for the honour of jehovah not as creature worship which even angels would refuse.. also i studied the non-biblical early church gospels which really does show a slow decline over 150 years, into the trinity as the watchtower claims...........although i still hate the watchtower society at least i learnt something that wasn't a lie..
Ban the Watchtower
by biblexaminer inthe watchtower magazine of january 1st, 2000, which was preached worldwide, made clear that "the anointed" at watchtower headquarters "have shown lionlike courage in exposing false religion", false religion being any and all religions other than jehovah's witnesses.
this same issue made clear to you, that we "god's watchman class" have used the watchtower "magazine in vigorously proclaiming to mankind that the vindication of jehovah's sovereignty by christ's kingdom is at hand.
as far back as the watchtower of december 1, 1966, we, god's spokesman, warned that armageddon could not be avoided.
Watchtower has a 100% prediction failure rate. And yet people still stay and more join to replace the ones that wake up. <shakes head>
Circuit Overseer's Idiotic Comment
by FedUpJW inat last night's clam the circuit overseer made this comment, "we elders sometimes have to act as judges in the congregation.
but we (the elders) are imperfect, and so cannot know everything about judicial matters.
that is why we (the elders) have the biblical rule that there must be at least two witnesses to wrongdoing.
"eventually Jehovah will address any wrong in his perfect manner."
Yeah, since when has Jehippetybop ever done anything? He turns a blind eye to children starving to death everyday. If he does exist he's not worthy of us.
Striking Out On My Own
by Saethydd inthose of you who know my story are aware that i'm currently disfellowshipped and living with my parents.
up until now, my plan has been to be reinstated and then fade, but recently my plans have changed.
in a conversation with my mother a few days ago and she made it clear that she would not be okay with me getting reinstated with the purpose of going inactive.
You're doing the right thing. Im only 10 months out and if i could do it again there are a few things i'd do differently. Im with you on the letter writing, i don't write any but i did send txts to my family explaining my beliefs and WT's cult features and that i wish them no harm or ill.
Don't hold out any hopes of a normal family relationship in the future though. It'll only get you more and more frustrated. Don't tell them anything about your new life whether it be good or bad. Because they'll latch onto the bad and say "see what happens when one leaves Jehovah's organization".
This next year is gonna have so many changes but SO worth it i can tell you.
Mental Illness
by Tallon inover many years i have been pondering how mental illness has impacted upon jw's due to the effects of indoctrination.
in my case; when i was 21 i had a breakdown and was hospitalised for 6 weeks.
i was diagnosed with anxiety tension state disorder.
To be attracted to the JW message, an individual in some crucial ways, likely already feels at odds with life and the world, is probably already cynical about "this system" and "the churches" and just wants out. Again, the Witnesses message has huge attraction for people who feel beaten down about life. Their message seldom, if ever, appeals to people who are already engaged in leading happy and successful lives.
Steve2, you hit the nail on the head there. How many times on the door to door ministry did we notice the big rich families with nice houses and cars were NEVER interested? And we'd walk away and say "they're having their paradise now" etc.
Mental Illness
by Tallon inover many years i have been pondering how mental illness has impacted upon jw's due to the effects of indoctrination.
in my case; when i was 21 i had a breakdown and was hospitalised for 6 weeks.
i was diagnosed with anxiety tension state disorder.
Lets see, of the JW's i know personally...
My mother has been on antidepressants for about 15 years
One of my sisters is depressed and signed off work because of it
Both of my brothers are on strong antidepressants and probably will be for life
My mother in law is on antidepressants
My ex wife suffers from chronic OCD and anxiety extenuated by fear and guilt of not being good enough
My daughters best friends mum in the KH is on antidepressants
And on top of all them, from when i was an active JW a year ago i personally knew 9 others in the Kingdom Hall that suffer from depression. Not older ones, young people, 20yo-30yo. The worst thing is, rather than looking into the problem seriously they're all waiting for the new system to come along and "wipe out every tear from their eye".
Yeah, it really sounds like "the best life ever" doesn't it?
If you were just visiting JW.org as an interested one, would articles like this impress you?
by NikL inhttps://www.jw.org/en/news/releases/by-region/japan/volunteers-repair-over-300-homes-following-earthquakes/.
it made me fell like, la ti da!
you helped members of your own church..
Unbelievable. How did we not see this when we were in?
Re-read Animal Farm.
by The Rebel ini was one of many witness children, who studied this book in english literature class.. having re-read it as an adult it addressed so many issues i have with the organisation.
including maniputive control, the re-writing of history etc etc.
so many of the characters in the book, resembled characters i have known in the organisation.. boxer- loyalty without questioning.. squeler- a character who doesn't care about truth, and uses rhetoric of language to twist truth.. clover-who silently questions decisions, but stays loyal.. if your young, or old i would suggest reading this small book, by george orwell.
The poor horse that gets sold to the glue factory. That's Ray Franz right there.
The most ridiculous bible verses, watchtower articles and society letters
by usualusername1 inafter 8 months of doing comedy i have decided to focus on more jw material.
my best joke so far is.... i lost my virginity on my wedding night at the age of 30. once i figured out which bits went where, on the next night my wife lost hers too.. i am looking for the weirdest bible verses, watchtower quotes or letters for ideas.. can you help?.
i will write jokes as you post.. https://youtu.be/yaqsghboq8o .
My favorites include:
Masturbation leads to homosexuality (Your Youth, Getting The Best Out Of It)
"There's more evidence for the Kingdom than there is for gravity, electricity and wind" - Stephen Lett on JW Broadcasting
"You know, scientists say that the cranial capacity of a woman is 10% smaller than that of a man so now this shows that she's just not equipped for the role of headship. Her role is one of subjection to the man. Her role is that of submissiveness and that means that she should recognize that she is a woman and be glad to be a woman. Never want to be what you are not equipped to be. ... Sometimes we hear her say, "oh if-if-if-if I-I were a man I'd do this and I'd do that as if to be wishing to be something that she is not designed to be. Do you know what that borders on? That borders on homosexuality. And do you know what the Devil is doing nowadays? He's taking women who want to be men and makes men out of them. ..." - The Value of Our Theocratic Sisters Samuel Herd, Oakland CA 1971
How many in your generation are still JW???
by Christian Gutierrez inhow many in your age group are still jehovahs witnesses?
from where we are at, there aren't many left.
each year it gets smaller and smaller haha .
From the congregation i grew up in, 90% have left. HOWEVER... im on the only one being shunned because i left the official Watchtower way - DA'd (then DF'd anyway).
The ones my age are still in full contact with their parents and even get invited to witness weddings and get-togethers. I mentioned this to my mum by text but she ignored my text. These are kids (now adults) who are "living in sin" with their partners yet im the bad guy for leaving their cult on my terms?