At last night's CLAM the circuit overseer made this comment, "We elders sometimes have to act as judges in the congregation. But we (the elders) are imperfect, and so cannot know everything about judicial matters. That is why we (the elders) have the biblical rule that there must be at least two witnesses to wrongdoing. Sometimes though it is impossible to have two witnesses to a sin, and we (the congregation) may feel that a sin needs to be addressed instead of left in Jehovah's hands. But we need to remember what we read here in (Jeremiah 29:23) . . .“‘“I am the One who knows, and I am a witness,” declares Jehovah.’”
So he concluded that we must support the Two Witness Rule and know that, "eventually Jehovah will address any wrong in his perfect manner."
I guess someone has been asking him about JW policy about pedophiles and he is trying to suppress any questioning.