Sad isnt it? Even more when you can see it coming and you try to warn them and they take no notice. You did all you could, but i agree, dont go throwing your money at them.
JoinedPosts by pale.emperor
Another family goes down in flames.
by dogon inmy wife's mother has alzheimer.
it is progressing to the point that she is writing things like she wishes she was dead and does not want to live.
if you know my mil you would know this is not her at all.
Spoke To Two Sisters At A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inas the title says, i spoke to two sisters at a witnessing cart today.
i didnt approach them, as circumstances would have it i was out in liverpool city center with my 3yo and she was carrying a teddy and a balloon.
she caught the balloon on something sharp and it popped and so she started crying.
Perhaps the local congregation located where you met them, was abolished and the members reassigned to various surrounding congregations.
Maybe the Golbourne congregation territory now includes that area of Liverpool as well as Preston.
Not so. We're talking 20-40miles away. There's lots and lots of congregations in Liverpool.
Today's W.T on GB not being inspired is having ZERO impact on most J.W's
by Isambard Crater inthe congregation i attend had it's watchtower study on thursday night because of l.d.c work this week-end, and another congregation i have some not very spiritual friends in had their watchtower study on wednesday.
from what i have delicately prised out of people, the congregations loved the watchtower study this week, saying it was so encouraging and all the usual stuff, with no-one seeming to realise the g.b.
said they're not inspired, so the spirit int he past has moved them to teach wrong things, and all the other ideas excellently summed up on reddit.. today's watchtower will wash over the heads of most j.w's like it never even happened, the all remaining as loyal as ever, and it makes me so, so sad..
The was a photo today of the 1950's board of directors. What was the source of the photo and who were they?
I remember a recurring theme in Ray Franz's book Crises Of Conscience. What you're looking at in that picture IS NOT a governing body of any sort in the 1950s. Knorr was President (Pope) and could over-ride anybody... except Knorr was some sort of puppet for Fred Franz (he was practically worshiped by the high ranking bethelites).
Here he is. Holding a bible like he's some sort of scholar, he was one of the men that translated the New World Translation (with only a rudimentary education in Hebrew, no greek, so you know it's accurate!)
It's been testified by former, and current, members of Bethel that old Fred was quite "forceful" in his speeches/talks.
A board of directors for a publishing company is a massive difference from a governing body dispensing spiritual food.
Today's W.T on GB not being inspired is having ZERO impact on most J.W's
by Isambard Crater inthe congregation i attend had it's watchtower study on thursday night because of l.d.c work this week-end, and another congregation i have some not very spiritual friends in had their watchtower study on wednesday.
from what i have delicately prised out of people, the congregations loved the watchtower study this week, saying it was so encouraging and all the usual stuff, with no-one seeming to realise the g.b.
said they're not inspired, so the spirit int he past has moved them to teach wrong things, and all the other ideas excellently summed up on reddit.. today's watchtower will wash over the heads of most j.w's like it never even happened, the all remaining as loyal as ever, and it makes me so, so sad..
When i think back to my JW days, it would've washed over my head too. I still would have following the governing body simply because of herd mentality. I used to use thought stopping phrases in my head like:
So and so is smarter than me and he's a JW
Other religions arnt humble enough to admit they're failings
Look at JW's around the world, we're united just like Jesus said, this HAS to be "the truth".
Sad. But that's what i was like and what those JW's in that KH are most likely like too.
Spoke To Two Sisters At A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inas the title says, i spoke to two sisters at a witnessing cart today.
i didnt approach them, as circumstances would have it i was out in liverpool city center with my 3yo and she was carrying a teddy and a balloon.
she caught the balloon on something sharp and it popped and so she started crying.
Well those two from outside the circuit or two, have the WT got to bus carters in! Thought that to be a carter you needed express approval, location specific, and signed to accept Public Liability for the cart. Not aware of any meetings due round here that those from Preston area would attend. Are the Liverpool sisters carting in Preston. Most mysterious.
I dont get it either. I thought maybe they were friends and one was helping out the other... but still Golbourne is a good 20 miles away. Makes you think, are they that desperate to get their hours in without doing it the old fashioned door knocking way? I reckon too many people are asking to do cart witnessing and so they're sending them all over the place, way out of territory.
Spoke To Two Sisters At A Witnessing Cart Today
by pale.emperor inas the title says, i spoke to two sisters at a witnessing cart today.
i didnt approach them, as circumstances would have it i was out in liverpool city center with my 3yo and she was carrying a teddy and a balloon.
she caught the balloon on something sharp and it popped and so she started crying.
As the title says, I spoke to two sisters at a witnessing cart today. I didnt approach them, as circumstances would have it i was out in Liverpool city center with my 3yo and she was carrying a teddy and a balloon. She caught the balloon on something sharp and it popped and so she started crying. Trying to cheer her up i started blowing bubbles with a soapy bubble set she had in her bag. This just so happened to have happened within 6 feet of a witnessing trolley. The sisters were very nice and pleasant and were talking to her and trying to cheer her up.
99% of the time i'd debate with witnesses but im so over it. At this phase of my life im just thinking of myself and my kid. After explaining about her balloon and why she was crying i mentioned that my mum does the carts too. They were surprised and smiley and asked who she is. I told them but they had no idea who she was. These two women were from wayyyyy outside the territory: Preston and Golbourne. Preston is about 40 miles away and Golbourne 20 miles. I told them my sisters live in Golbourne, one of the sisters knew her. I asked how she is. She told me. I then asked how my nieces were because i haven't seen them in a while (how sad that im getting info on my 3yo and 6yo neices from a complete stranger).
I tried to not talk about religion and keep it pleasant as i only stopped because my daughter was crying. But they asked about my beleifs. I said "i was raised in - i was gonna say "the truth" then but i dont think it is..." and, i cant explain it in words but their faces changed from smiles to stone faced. To make them smile again i asked if they were pioneers. They said yes and i said "i know all the lingo" and laughed and so did they. I ended it by saying there's many things i dont agree with but i hope you have a nice day. And i left.
I wasnt nervous at all, which i usually am when i walk past them (i don't know why). But lately i've been so into myself and what i think and what i want to do with my life that i couldn't care less if 8 million people want to follow 7 men in America who they've never met. As long as my daughter doesn't join im happy. I dunno, maybe i'll change again and be militant anti JW.
I hate the Watchtower but I really still hate the Trinity Jesus is NOT God!
by Witness 007 insome bibles use the term "worship" when refering to times people did fall down and bow to him........this doesn't show he was god!
the greek term; proskeyneo, means to prostrate oneself, to bow down and show honour.
now, this was done for jehovah.....and his representatives....jesus israelite kings and priests....but for the honour of jehovah not as creature worship which even angels would refuse.. also i studied the non-biblical early church gospels which really does show a slow decline over 150 years, into the trinity as the watchtower claims...........although i still hate the watchtower society at least i learnt something that wasn't a lie..
Whenever i read the bible it's abundantly clear to me that Jesus is not god. But then the bible is a mass of contradictions and fairy tales so who cares what it says?
Ban the Watchtower
by biblexaminer inthe watchtower magazine of january 1st, 2000, which was preached worldwide, made clear that "the anointed" at watchtower headquarters "have shown lionlike courage in exposing false religion", false religion being any and all religions other than jehovah's witnesses.
this same issue made clear to you, that we "god's watchman class" have used the watchtower "magazine in vigorously proclaiming to mankind that the vindication of jehovah's sovereignty by christ's kingdom is at hand.
as far back as the watchtower of december 1, 1966, we, god's spokesman, warned that armageddon could not be avoided.
Watchtower has a 100% prediction failure rate. And yet people still stay and more join to replace the ones that wake up. <shakes head>
Circuit Overseer's Idiotic Comment
by FedUpJW inat last night's clam the circuit overseer made this comment, "we elders sometimes have to act as judges in the congregation.
but we (the elders) are imperfect, and so cannot know everything about judicial matters.
that is why we (the elders) have the biblical rule that there must be at least two witnesses to wrongdoing.
"eventually Jehovah will address any wrong in his perfect manner."
Yeah, since when has Jehippetybop ever done anything? He turns a blind eye to children starving to death everyday. If he does exist he's not worthy of us.
Striking Out On My Own
by Saethydd inthose of you who know my story are aware that i'm currently disfellowshipped and living with my parents.
up until now, my plan has been to be reinstated and then fade, but recently my plans have changed.
in a conversation with my mother a few days ago and she made it clear that she would not be okay with me getting reinstated with the purpose of going inactive.
You're doing the right thing. Im only 10 months out and if i could do it again there are a few things i'd do differently. Im with you on the letter writing, i don't write any but i did send txts to my family explaining my beliefs and WT's cult features and that i wish them no harm or ill.
Don't hold out any hopes of a normal family relationship in the future though. It'll only get you more and more frustrated. Don't tell them anything about your new life whether it be good or bad. Because they'll latch onto the bad and say "see what happens when one leaves Jehovah's organization".
This next year is gonna have so many changes but SO worth it i can tell you.