The "generation" was Jesus' own.
(at the risk of getting verbally abused for posting something biblical)
Olivette Discourse
The Boast
Mt. 24:1
Lu. 21:5
The Temple Prophecy
Mt. 24:2
Lu. 21:6
The Two Questions
Mt. 24:3
Mr. 13:3,4
Lu. 21:7
Warning for His Generation
Mt. 24:4-8
Mr. 13:5-8
Lu. 21:8-11
Prophecy for His Generation
Mt. 24:9-14
Mr. 13:9-13
Lu. 21:12-19
The Answer to the First Question
Mt. 24:15-22
Mr. 13:14-20
Lu. 21:20-24
The Warning for the Last Days
Mt. 24:23-27
Mr. 13:21-23
Jesus Eludes to an Earlier Lesson
Mt. 24:28
The Answer to the Second Question
Mt. 24:29-31
Mr. 13:24-27
Lu. 21:25-28
Jesus' Summary
Defines the Timing of the End of Jerusalem
Mt. 24:32-35
Mr. 13:28-31
Lu. 21:29-33
Jesus Contrasts His Generation with The End of the World
Mt. 24:36-41
Mr. 13:32-37
Lu. 21:34-36
Basis of Salvation
Mt. 24:42-44
Mt. 24:45-51
Those Saved vs Those Lost Illustrated
The Virgins; Christian's attitude
Mt. 25:1-13
The Talents; Christian's activity
Mt. 25:14-30
The Sheep &The Goats; Jesus' will be decisive
Mt. 25:31-46