The whole dog and pony show is so utterly ridiculous. There’s an “anointed” claimer in our area and I wanted once to ask him, (but I didn’t because it would have been ugly), a question. It goes like this...
If you are sitting in the row at the hall, and the wine is coming down the row towards you, and there’s an invited ‘study’ (person) who is Catholic and belongs to “apostate Christendom” (as Watchtower calls it) who gets the cup first and who drinks from the cup... are you going to share with them in the cup? Does he share in Christ’ blood with with you?
Or, if you drink from the cup, and pass the cup along, and such a person shares in the cup after you, do you feel one in Christ with such a person?
With whomever you have gathered to share the cup and the bread, it is with these you are yolkfellow in Christ. You share the blood and the flesh of the Christ, you brothers.