As far as what Watchtower policy is...
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Newsflash. There are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a JW.
Sure, you think I'm mad. But it's true.
The business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the Industrial Court where a JW ratted out a fellow JW and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Such being established fact, a recent conversation with a JW was quite revealing.
First, I don't want to mention the name of the institution, as you would all recognize it (BIG), and I am trying to maintain my anonymity. So no city either. But I will say that this happened in Canada...
The brother went to this BIG institution that handles money, lot's and lot's of money, and he asked to submit an application. They gave him one and allowed him to fill it out.
There was a section called "Other Activities" and the brother chose to leave this blank. After the officials examined his application, they inquired as to why he left this section blank. He said he didn't think it mattered.
Before I go on, I was amused when the JW mentioned that he didn't want to fill this section in. He is a 'valiant JW', proud to be, and is commanded at every meeting that he should 'go forth and reveal your faith as a JW'. Obvious that he wanted to hide this. Hypocrite!
Ok, the application was handed back to him. He was told that if he did not fill this section in, that his "application would not be considered".
So, he filled it in. 'I'm a JW blah blah preaching'
I was happily shocked to hear that the BIG institution sent him packing. Whoa! This will not be the last you hear about this topic. This is but the beginning....
The possible conflict with regard to confidentiality was highlighted to him. And this goes back to the decision last fall (see link)
The noose tightens around the skinny necks of the 'dynamic octo' in NY
...crazy religious organizations
by lastmanstanding inwhy they need to get rid of organized religion.
these people are batshit crazy..
Why they need to get rid of organized religion. These people are batshit crazy.
I just watched the final video from this years convention. OMG!!!
by NikL ini am shaking all over right now.
i think it's worse that the bunker video.. i used to think there was no way that these people would actually "drink the cool aid" if you get my drift, but seeing this video i am now not sure it could never happen.. having a wife who i love dearly trapped in this cult is really freaking me out right now...
In the bunker video, there was no salvation, it was left open-ended and there was little room for salvation. No Jesus swooping into the bunker to save the Dubs. That was disturbing to JWs.
But a ”new & improved” version this year has a happy ending, a swooping Jesus with an arrow.
I think swooping Jesus is going to need many arrows and there was a big crowd of machine gun toting dubhaters to kill. And who is going to clean up that mess of arrow pierced corpses.
And what was the bright light for, are the dubs going to heaven?
Receiving so much hate recently....
by stuckinarut2 inwell, as you all know, my wife (unstuck) and i are not df or da.. we just stopped attending several years back after my "apostate" online activity was found by a nosey employee of ours while she was working in our office (long story if anyone wants to know - it would have to be another thread).
we never met with any elders - no congregation judicial activity occurred (as we would never consent to do so anyway).
so our policy has been to be the same kind, loving, normal people we have always been.
If I was in that situation, and one day I will be, then I will simply ask them...
“please treat me as Jesus directly said you should, at Matthew 18:15-17”
”I have a man of the nations living next to me on my right, and a tax collector on my left. When you preached in my neighborhood, you went to their homes and talked to them, very politely, and you listened to their view.”
”You did not do what Jesus said that you must.”
“You were to come to me to tell me personally what my fault was. You did not do what Jesus said, to bring two witnesses so that they could hear the charge and my response. You did not do what Jesus said, to express all matters to the congregation.”
”Instead you conducted yourself as the Phrasees did, keeping secrets, judging the Christ in a star chamber, hiding your actions.”
”It is not I, but you that “have fallen away, it is impossible to revive them again to repentance, because they nail the Son of God to the stake again for themselves and expose him to public shame. Hey. 6:6
Bunker video - 2018 remix
by Fay Dehr inif this happened, and they went into the bunker....only to be rescued by "satan's forces"....what would be going through their minds?
When I get the opportunity, I ask Witnesses how they think the video ends.
Mostly they don’t know the video as they slept through it.
But so far, anyone who does recall it refuses to say what they think. The reason is quite simple. They don’t want to believe that everyone gets gunned down like dogs. But neither would they speculate how everyone gets saved as the video leaves no room for salvation.
... it’s like when Jesus asked the Pharisees, “the baptism of John, is it from God or from men?”
Neither answer is acceptable.
Two May 19th articles about Lauren Stuart who killed her husband & two children-left a video & suicide note blaming sexual abuse & exclusion
by AndersonsInfo in
revealed: ex-jehovah's witness turned model, 45, left a video and suicide note blaming childhood sex abuse and exclusion from her religion for killing her husband and children.
lauren stuart of keego harbor, michigan had been researching suicide methods on youtube and videos on how to use a glock for weeks .
Well, she faithfully held to Watchtower doctrine till the end. Good for her.
“The first shall be last, and the last shall be first” Mt. 20:16
The Watchtower doctrine explains this scripture y saying the most recent to die will be resurrected first. So, she has ensured that her family is going to be resurrected at the same time so that they can be happy together in “the New System “
I’m not sure about what she was thinking with regard to the poor mutt. Dogs don’t get a resurrection in Watchtower theology. Perhaps she thought that it might take time for the authorities to find the bodies and she was concerned that the dog would get hungry... and start to eat her husbands face.
All of Chile's 34 bishops RESIGN over a sex abuse and cover-up scandal after crisis meeting with the Pope
by AndersonsInfo in
all of chile's 34 bishops resign over a sex abuse and cover-up scandal after crisis meeting with the pope.
may 18, 2018. pope francis has accused chile's bishops of destroying evidence of sex crimes .
Whoo Haaaaw
Niw If we can just see something similar for WTS
”All Eight Members Of The Governing Body Of Jehovah’s Witnesses Resign After Being Caught With Young Male Prostitutes”
Official statement: "Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Scripturally Based Position on Child Protection"
by neat blue dog ini'm not sure if this was mentioned yet, but at this week's meeting they announced (or will announce for those who haven't had theirs yet) the availability of a new official statement on child abuse that can be downloaded in the legal section of jwdotorg.
(funny it's in the legal section, it just shows their mentality and how this is really damage control.
) here's the link:.
Excellent thread. Good points and nice breakdown one eye.
Its glaringly obvious to the seasoned JW pimo that there is wide flexibility built into this new legalistic wording from the tower. It’s says one thing (barely) and yet another thing is true.
Business as usual in JW town.
I would ask an elder, “If I see my neighbor grope a child in a sexual manner, should I call you?” The elder will gasp and say “NO” and “call Police!”, not wanting any involvement.
But if I add that my neighbor, it just so happens, is a “brother”... suddenly the tone will change. “Yes”, he will say, “you must call me immediately so that we can call the branch”.
So what changed? We all know, don’t we....
The Watchtower is a hypocrite. What happened to the hypocrites in 70ce will happen to these hypocrites today.
12 june 2018 what to say
by LostAdam inhi eveyone, my sis told me something like where will i be after that day.
i couldnt realize at first what she meant, but i found this on net donald-trump-kim-jong-un-meeting-singapore-june-12/.
i found her reaction so pathetic, but i think she is really sorry for me leaving.. so how to do you reply to jw family or generally when news about world peace comes out?.
Nobody picked it out, but I “wrote angry” and when I do that, I make mistakes. Like posting about Ephesians when it’s actually 1 Thessalonians. I was very angry at Watchtower. I’m like that a lot these days.
My bad.
But you have to give me a break, I just had a “major” procedure. Ouch...
The points are completely valid though. 1 Thess. 5:3 is NOT a prophecy, but an anti-prophecy.