The Dubs are “a lost people”
JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
May 2020 Watchtower They Admit, they don't know
by Listener inthey'll write pages and pages of stuff and yet they don't have any idea.. here's a paragraph from their latest speculations on future events, bolding is mine.. a prophecy recorded by ezekiel gives some insight into what may happen during the last days of the king of the north and the king of the south.
if we view the prophecies of ezekiel 38:10-23; daniel 2:43-45; 11:44–12:1; and revelation 16:13-16, 21 as speaking about the same time period and events, it appears that we can expect the following developments.. that's an awful lot of assumptions to make.
what they've done is picked out various scriptures from different parts of the bible and now state that they may or may not be talking about the same events.
by Iamallcool inare the dubs talking about coronavirus as a sign that big a is coming very soon?
The Governpig Body is soon going to announce that Jehovah has given the Watchtower a Wuhan vaccine. It will be distributed at all Kingdom Halls at the literature counter, for a small or big donation. A free bible study comes with the novel vaccine.
Brazil: Watch Tower claim raid on premises unlawful
by Antonio_Madaleno inin september 2019, the branch of jehovah’s witnesses and a number of kingdom halls in são paulo brazil were raided by the police, in search of documentary evidence of criminal activities relating to child sexual abuse.
the jehovah’s witnesses claim that the raid was unlawful.
below is a translation of the court of justice determination.
Regards confession. See articles below, condemning the Church’s practice.
Note; most publications not available due to their condemnation of the Church. The Watchtower has made them as unavailable as possible because they don’t want Law Enforcement and Courts to see their hypocritical stance of now lobbying and pressing for their own ‘privilege’ whilst condemning its source.
Catholic Church: w85 12/1 4-7; w74 198; g74 11/8 27-28; g73 6/8 29; g71 5/22 29;g71 7/22 4; g69 8/8 30; g68 4/22 8, 24; g60 10/8 7; w58 511; w57 745; g55 1/22 4-8; g55 3/22 25-26; g50 5/22 24; g48 7/8 22; g47 4/8 23; g45 5/23 20-25; g44 1/5 22-23; g44 12/6 21; g42 1/21 21; g41 3/19 3-8; g40 10/30 11; g40 12/11 29
Brazil: Watch Tower claim raid on premises unlawful
by Antonio_Madaleno inin september 2019, the branch of jehovah’s witnesses and a number of kingdom halls in são paulo brazil were raided by the police, in search of documentary evidence of criminal activities relating to child sexual abuse.
the jehovah’s witnesses claim that the raid was unlawful.
below is a translation of the court of justice determination.
Definition: A declaration or an acknowledgment, either publicly or in private, (1) of what a person believes or (2) of his sins.
Is the rite of reconciliation, including auricular confession (personal confession into the ear of a priest), as taught by the Catholic Church Scriptural?
The manner in which the priest is addressed
The traditional formula, still often used, is: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been [length of time] since my last Confession.”—U.S. Catholic magazine, October 1982, p. 6.
Matt. 23:1, 9, JB: “Jesus said, . . . ‘You must call no one on earth your father, since you have only one Father, and he is in heaven.’”
Sins that can be forgiven
“The Church has always taught that every sin, no matter how serious, can be forgiven.”—The Catholic Encyclopedia (bearing the nihil obstat and the imprimatur), R. C. Broderick (Nashville, Tenn.; 1976), p. 554.
Heb. 10:26, JB: “If, after we have been given knowledge of the truth, we should deliberately commit any sins, then there is no longer any sacrifice for them.”
Mark 3:29, JB: “Let anyone blaspheme against the Holy Spirit and he will never have forgiveness: he is guilty of an eternal sin.”
How penance is to be shown
Frequently the confessor directs that the penitent say a specified number of “Our Fathers” and “Hail Marys.”
Matt. 6:7, JB: “In your prayers do not babble [that is, utter in a meaninglessly repetitious manner] as the pagans do, for they think that by using many words they will make themselves heard.”
Matt. 6:9-12, JB: “You should pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, . . . forgive us our debts.’” (Nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to pray to or through Mary. See Philippians 4:6, also pages 258, 259, under “Mary.”)
Rom. 12:9, JB: “Do not let your love be a pretence, but sincerely prefer good to evil.”
Did not Jesus authorize his apostles to forgive sins?
John 20:21-23, JB: “‘As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.’ After saying this he breathed on them and said: ‘Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained.’”
How did the apostles understand and apply this? There is no record in the Bible of a single instance in which an apostle listened to a private confession and then pronounced absolution. However, the requirements for being forgiven by God are set out in the Bible. The apostles, under the direction of holy spirit, could discern whether individuals were meeting such requirements and could on this basis declare that God had either forgiven them or not forgiven them. For examples, see Acts 5:1-11, also 1 Corinthians 5:1-5 and 2 Corinthians 2:6-8.
Brazil: Watch Tower claim raid on premises unlawful
by Antonio_Madaleno inin september 2019, the branch of jehovah’s witnesses and a number of kingdom halls in são paulo brazil were raided by the police, in search of documentary evidence of criminal activities relating to child sexual abuse.
the jehovah’s witnesses claim that the raid was unlawful.
below is a translation of the court of justice determination.
Wherever Watchtology goes, so must go also their heritage.
When the Goon Bunch send lawyers to fight for “Clergy Penitent Privilege”, they must be met with legal professionals who have in their possession the Watchtology history of railing against the Church in regards to the actual historical Clergy’s privilege.
The Watchtower cannot be allowed to argue FOR something that they have railed against for so long,
Contact whomever wherever and make them know Watchtology’s ’history of hate’ against “confession” and “absolution”.
Watchtower issues take down notice!!!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara in
What does it take to post parody about Watchtology and keep it up?
Simple, MONEY
If Watchtology sends a take down request to youtube, they make sure YouTube knows who is a$king.
If you want YouTube to put it back up, your argument$ mu$t be the bigge$t
So, it would go like this...
Dear YouTube, we at MON$TER WATCHTOLOGY KILLER$ kindly ask you to put our damned videos back up. Plea$e direct all further inquiries to our very expensive legal team at F&N SUE YOUR ASS PARTNER$.
PS. We gave our lawyers a big fat freakin’ retainer and we are waiting for you in the hallway after school,
'Phone call from Ex JW,
by Phizzy ina guy i was great friend with in my teens 'phoned me out of the blue today, and brought back a lot of fond memories, he was df'd, because he was a very naughty boy lol, but as he said, as is common with a lot of us exes, he took a long time to grow up.
he spoke of my parents, who despite being jw's, were lovely people, they took him in to our home when his mum was in hospital for some weeks, he also spoke of the good times we had as kids, and how his parents were good to him, and made him what he is today despite being jw's.. we sometimes do not give credit where it is due, my parents made me a lover of truth, but it is real truth i espouse now of course.. perhaps this kind of view of our upbringing is more positive than concentrating on all the downsides of what is basically an evil cult ?
looking at the (very few) positives can perhaps help us heal ?.
Some good thoughts on this thread. I agree with much, even between dissenting thoughts there is something.
I want to see Watchtology burn. But only because that is necessary before anything good can come.
Dubs need to be able to talk freely and think for themselves. As long as the org exists this won’t be possible.
And I want to see the Goofy Bastards humiliated publicly before they hang. And the branch breaks and their guts spill all over the mountainside.
NBC Now Has both full episodes of the Oxygen "The Witnesses"
by Newly Enlightened in .
That’s a big move!
2020-02 Literature Request Form!
by Atlantis in2020-02- literature request form.!
I think I know that salon.
The garage by Hebrew Heights?
Coronavirus: Punishment from Jehovah and a sign from Jesus!
by lastmanstanding inthe watchtower has taught for over a century that plague is part of jesus’ sign letting earth know he’s lurkin’.... combined with the recent acceleration by the chinese gubmint of ejecting jws from china, it’s no surprise that dubs are of the belief that ‘jehovah is punishing china’.. dubs must be expecting a few large earthquakes to strike china in the next weeks with possibly a war or two, to round out the pain of jesus’ sign to these wicked jehovah haters..
The Watchtower has taught for over a century that plague is part of Jesus’ sign letting Earth know he’s lurkin’...
Combined with the recent acceleration by the Chinese gubmint of ejecting JWs from China, it’s no surprise that dubs are of the belief that ‘Jehovah is punishing China’.
Dubs must be expecting a few large Earthquakes to strike China in the next weeks with possibly a war or two, to round out the pain of Jesus’ sign to these wicked Jehovah haters.