This has nothing whatsoever to do with privileged communication between a clergy member and a lay person. Nothing.
If a JW child says “mommy, brother Bastard stuck his blah blah blah” then that Mommy needs to call the police, period.
I don’t care what brother Bastard said or didn’t say to brother elder idiot at the kingdumb Hall or any other place. It’s irrelevant.
What does matter is JW elders preaching and enforcing the Watchtower’s dogma and dictates, using undue influence in convincing JW rank & file that they should stay silent when they have knowledge of a crime.
What does matter is Watchtower threatening to bust up your family if you do the right thing and inform authorities of crime.
What does matter is the lame ass governments and the law unenforcemnt cowards who allow religions to get away with cowing their members into silence when crimes have been committed.