So many saved nothing for old age. My old PO, is apparently suffering all the way to the grave.
He saved nothing. He sold his house to burn the equity. He had to have a major surgery that he was sure he wouldn’t survive, but unfortunately for him, he did. He has had to go back to work as an old man, now, after major surgery. He looks like crap.
Just prior to his surgery, he gave a talk in our hall. During the talk, which included some stuff about the last days yada yada, he said that there would be those, like himself, who wouldn’t make it till Armageddon.
What a sad little man, up there on the stage, looking old and beaten and poor and sick, convinced he was going to die. He had himself half imbombed, ready for the box.
But he lived. But he’s sad, so sad. He has to drag his post-operative sick ass out of bed every day till he dies so he can get his meager portion of dog food and pay the rent on the hole he lives in. My wife says he “looked yellow”.
There are others who are just as much a pitiable slog, dragging themselves along the gutter in their groveling existence. It must be horrible, absolutely horrible, to be in that state.