JoinedPosts by lastmanstanding
A discovery concerning 1975 as I am going through old Watchtower literature
by lastmanstanding ini think everyone has heard about the video at the convention a few years back where an older ‘brother’ relates that “some were selling their homes” pre 1975, and it makes it look like the rank and file are stupid.
it shifts the blame to the r&f.
no mention of the km that advocated it.. and you have all seen the km that said it, and that it was the may 1974 km.. however, it was not.
A discovery concerning 1975 as I am going through old Watchtower literature
by lastmanstanding ini think everyone has heard about the video at the convention a few years back where an older ‘brother’ relates that “some were selling their homes” pre 1975, and it makes it look like the rank and file are stupid.
it shifts the blame to the r&f.
no mention of the km that advocated it.. and you have all seen the km that said it, and that it was the may 1974 km.. however, it was not.
I’m trying to upload a picture
A discovery concerning 1975 as I am going through old Watchtower literature
by lastmanstanding ini think everyone has heard about the video at the convention a few years back where an older ‘brother’ relates that “some were selling their homes” pre 1975, and it makes it look like the rank and file are stupid.
it shifts the blame to the r&f.
no mention of the km that advocated it.. and you have all seen the km that said it, and that it was the may 1974 km.. however, it was not.
Even the part in the Service Meeting that covers the material is June.
Is it possible that Canada and US covered this material in a different month?
A discovery concerning 1975 as I am going through old Watchtower literature
by lastmanstanding ini think everyone has heard about the video at the convention a few years back where an older ‘brother’ relates that “some were selling their homes” pre 1975, and it makes it look like the rank and file are stupid.
it shifts the blame to the r&f.
no mention of the km that advocated it.. and you have all seen the km that said it, and that it was the may 1974 km.. however, it was not.
I think everyone has heard about the video at the convention a few years back where an older ‘brother’ relates that “some were selling their homes” Pre 1975, and it makes it look like the rank and file are stupid. It shifts the blame to the r&f. No mention of the KM that advocated it.
And you have all seen the KM that said it, and that it was the May 1974 KM.
However, it was NOT. I have the thing here, old yellow hardcopy of all the old KMs.
The Watchtower online shows this article as km 5/74 p.3 but it is not there. I was a scratching my head looking, thinking I was missing it.
It was the following month in June.
I know there are ‘photos’ showing this as May, and the Watchtower site is also wrong.
Was this done on purpose? catch people?
I can make any kind of photo you want and upload. But I am not incorrect.
New York Times: ‘People Would Be So Receptive Right Now, and We Can’t Knock on Doors.’
by AndersonsInfo in
the pandemic has put a stop to the activities of one of the nation’s most visible religious groups, jehovah’s witnesses.. read more:
The first thing to note is this article is NOT behind the pay wall. Anyone can read it. That means the NYT got their revs up front. In other words, this article was paid for by the WT.
This is a paid-for propaganda piece that the WT designed and paid for as a propaganda tool to further manipulate the dubs.
It plants seeds.
““ People would be so receptive right now,” she said ”
Why so?
Do you think, she would ask people as she car-pooled with other members to canvass the county, that the virus is a sign of the end of the world?
she would recite a couple verses from the book of Luke:
“There will be great earthquakes, and in one place after another food shortages and pestilences; and there will be fearful sights and from heaven great signs.”Planting seeds. Trying to round up the last of the gullible.
and seriously, sister brainiac reads mother jones? The WT is going to advocate that, and preppers?
Don't forget to donate!
by neat blue dog inthe lucrative events otherwise known as assemblies and conventions are cancelled, which i'm sure has hit the wts in the pocketbook a little.
so the newest article on jwdotorg reminds us all yet again of the online recurring donation feature that takes credit and debit cards..
a 74-year-old publisher .
Breaking news!.... they put it where the most traffic is to ensure the widest audience and the best bang.
This donate crap has been there for a long time, but suddenly it’s CoVId news.
Killing ZOOM ZOO
by lastmanstanding inok. i’ve been thinking on how to kill these stupid zoom kingdom halls.
and maybe entertainment in doing it.. this is what i came up with.. record your zoom meetings.
find interesting individuals in the hall.
Ok. I’ve been thinking on how to kill these stupid Zoom kingdom halls. And maybe entertainment in doing it.
This is what I came up with.
Record your zoom meetings. Find interesting individuals in the hall. Make snippet movies of them picking their noses. Put them up here on a new thread
Need help. Please and thank you.
by lastmanstanding ini have a trove of old watchtower literature.
i know of course, and for example, to keep the three first volumes of the watchtower (bound) and a bunch of other items.
(and i handle them delicately.).
No.1 Failed prediction
No.2 Counsel on how to live life because the end is so close.
No.3 Blood teaching changes.
No.4 Flip flops Ie. sodom and Gomorrah
No.5 .....
Need help. Please and thank you.
by lastmanstanding ini have a trove of old watchtower literature.
i know of course, and for example, to keep the three first volumes of the watchtower (bound) and a bunch of other items.
(and i handle them delicately.).
Hahaha love the comments. Seriously, My intention is keeping the important stuff. All the really old stuff that goes back to the Watchtower root, I’m keeping. You know, the stuff that shows that Watchtower is actually lying when it paints a rosy picture of its own history.
I want the false prophecies.
The statements that reveal their hypocrisy and lies,
I have been checking at jwfacts and others.
Need help. Please and thank you.
by lastmanstanding ini have a trove of old watchtower literature.
i know of course, and for example, to keep the three first volumes of the watchtower (bound) and a bunch of other items.
(and i handle them delicately.).
Biahi. Thanks. I forgot that one. I don’t know how I forgot it, it ruined my life.
I ran to the recycle bin and retrieved it. It’s water damaged, but still 100% effective.
I went through a pile of individual copies and it was missing from the set, the may 22 was missing, only the May 8. But I have more piles. We’ll see tomorrow