Stella, welcome! I understand what it is like to have family you wish to wake up. My entire family are dubs, and that includes my husband. Confronting them with facts has done nothing for me. So, I've been trying something new, and it seems to be working: I've been happy. I've made some genuine non-JW friends, gotten involved in some awesome do-gooder stuff that I enjoy, and I'm taking better care of myself overall. I feel sincerely happier than I have felt in years, and I try to share it with my family. JW's are programmed to think that worldly people are miserable and always doing bad things. When they experience something contrary to this, it helps stimulate skepticism towards the teachings. Also, when confronted, I try to let my family know that I am on their side, but I just don't agree with the direction the Borg is going. It is still a work in progress, and they may never change. I have had to come to terms with this possibility and just get on with my life. Good luck to you, and please keep us posted.