Socialists think that money will solve all man's problems. Everything is obsessively related to money in the socialist ideology.
They have an almost supernatural ability to blame others with more money. God calls this greed and envy. They are sins.
I studied plenty of Marx and Engels while seeking a degree in Sociology at University. I sat under the teaching of avowed socialists professors that were given a platform (and a job) by the system they despised. Socialism is a failed ideology.
Remember the National Socialist German Workers' Party? No? They were called Nazi's for short.
Remember the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? They were called the USSR for short.
They were not exactly warm and cuddly figures like our current grandfatherly champion of socialism, Bernie Sanders.
My wife grew up under Socialism in the Czech Republic. When the Russian Socialists left, many of the Czech people destroyed the very houses the Socialists lived in they were so hated.
Domination is the result of Socialism, not freedom and equality. This is a demonstrable fact of history.
Garry Gasparov was the undisputed Global Chess Champion at only 22, the youngest ever to hold that title. He also holds the record for holding it the longest.
He is one of the smartest people who have ever lived. Note what he says on his Facebook page:
I'm enjoying the irony of American Sanders supporters lecturing me, a former Soviet citizen, on the glories of Socialism and what it really means! Socialism sounds great in speech soundbites and on Facebook, but please keep it there. In practice, it corrodes not only the economy but the human spirit itself, and the ambition and achievement that made modern capitalism possible and brought billions of people out of poverty.
Talking about Socialism is a huge luxury, a luxury that was paid for by the successes of capitalism. Income inequality is a huge problem, absolutely. But the idea that the solution is more government, more regulation, more debt, and less risk is dangerously absurd.
Socialism corrodes far more than the economy and the human spirit as Gasparov correctly asserts. The ideology that blames literally most every problem on money puts the human mind in a box and slams the lid shut. It is mental suicide more than (or at least as much as) anything else.
How many Hollywood millionaires lead a train-wrecked life in spite of all their money?
Further evidence of this mental disaster can regularly be seen in statements similar to this Obama State Department Spokeswoman who blames ISIS growth and for acting they way they do (beheading, raping & genocide) on ....... (drum roll) YOU GUESSED IT - NOT ENOUGH JOBS (MONEY)!
She thinks ISIS will be defeated by providing jobs to people in their recruiting grounds.