Now I am wondering, is there anyone else here that has had this experience?
I have. I thought I became a Christian for a while but then became disillusioned because I wasn't experiencing the victory that I read about in the NT. The liberal feel good church I was going to didn't help either. Sorta drifted into agnostic. But then, through a series of events I was forced to make a permanent decision for Christ. It was me hiding my "christianity" from my JW family that prevented Jesus from accepting my application for membership into his family.
When Jesus asks us to believe in him, he means him exclusively, and before anything else. When he says that we must be willing to say goodbye to our mothers and fathers to have a relationship with him, he wasn't just blowing hot air. He meant it. I wasted alot of time testing that and got no where.
After I believed (and more importantly trusted) the Lord Jesus Christ, my life really took off....slowly at first, but nonetheless progressive. Consistent victories, amid great challenges.
The turning point was when I burned my bridges with my 4th generation JW family... torched them down to the ground, by challenging them to find EVEN ONE SCRIPTURE that would indicate a person could get saved from judgment outside of the New Covenant. I'm still waiting.
Immediate and drastic shunning of me, my new wife, and two new born children quickly followed. They were sure it was just a phase I was going through. Over the last ten years I have continually taken the battle to heaven. My prayer group at church prays for them regularly. I can now have infrequent visits and challenge things from the bible, and not hide like a coward.
I am no longer ashamed of Jesus and he is no longer ashamed of me. The battle that I have concerning my family of origin, is to the death, mine or theirs. I will never hold them responsible for their idolatry and shunning. I love them. I will fight this battle on my knees for them until they are strong enough to take a stand for themselves.
I would highly encourage anyone wishing to get right with God and experience his power and victory to do the same.
We have dozens of relatives that are JW's, I was a regular pioneer, brothers and Dad all elders and Ministerial Servants, lots of of other elder relatives. My mother has been baptized for 71 years and attended the first Kingdom Hall in Houston, Texas. I was a 3rd gen on my dad's side and 4th gen on my moms side.
My children are now 2nd generation Christians.