Here you go D of T,
Extra-biblical source above.
I believe that atheism, for many adherents, is an attempt at emotional regulation. (SEE SUPPORTING LINKS IN PREVIOUS POST) The bible claims this position is simple "suppression". I'm not picking on atheists here, we have all engaged in suppression at one time or another. Listening closely to how many atheists express themselves supports this view, even if the bible didn't say so and there were no studies on atheists to rely on such as the one I previously linked to.
This view solves a number of logical contradictions in many atheists, like how they can on the one hand claim to be without belief and on the other hand express strong emotions about God and those that claim to believe (and those that claim to KNOW) he exists.
The person who started this thread first characterized himself to be without belief in God, then later expressed angst at not feeling that God cares.
The bible says that we are born as enemies of God, having no relationship with him. It further claims in Roman 8:7 that...
"the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so"
The posters' intuition is working EXACTLY the way it was created to.This goes a long way to explain atheist contradictions.
The Watchtower system of works and group speciality agrees with our carnal mind that wants to believe we can make friends with God through effort, ie. good works (in this case, as defined by the Wt.)
Since he has now abandoned this work, he suppresses the obvious fact of Gods existence and instead rightly and correctly expresses his feelings of alienation from God. This alienation from God has in fact been there all along, from birth.
Previously it was the alienation from God itself that was suppressed by the works-based approach to God as we all worked the Watchtower program. Now, it is simply God himself that is suppressed.... for some.
It is not an easy thing to believe that there is both a God, and the fact that we are his enemy..... in spite of our various attempts at goodness. Yet, that fact explains a lot of our experience in this world.