Posts by Perry
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
This heart surgeon would disagree with you. -
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
The Bible says that the wages of sin is death , so how come the very first sinner Satan ,is still alive
Because the biblical meaning of death means the separation of the body and soul. It does not mean annihilation, as we were taught by the Watchtower. No one reading this post will ever be able to cease their consciousness, regardless of what they do, believe, ignore or say. Your consciousness is permanent.
However, where we all spend eternity is up to us.
Satan was defeated legally at the cross and will be dealt with militarily shortly, just as soon as all those fore-known from the founding of the world are first conceived/born and then sealed.
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
So your prediction is in 20 years most witnesses will drink from the blood of Christ "FOR THE REMMISSION OF SINS"
Arnt you focusing on the " trivial"?Having your sins forgiven by God isn't trivial. I wanted a peaceful relationship with God when I was a JW. I think most of the other members that I knew wanted the same thing. We all thought that we had to be under the covering of the Watchtower Corporation.
Jesus only said that we had to be under his blood. This was a great liberation for me, wife and three sons.
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
Their reason for discarding the New Covenant (the one that gets your sins forgiven before God) has crumbled with the changes to the 1914 date setting issue which is connected to the the 144K BEING OUR EARTHLY RULERS.
Now they have non-annointed members on the GB. In 20 years I predict that most JW's will want to get their sins forgiven and will embrace this most basic teaching of Jesus.
Matthew 26:27-28
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Hysterically tragic - the west stuffs up in Syria
by fulltimestudent ina former lebanese (christian) terrorist once told me a story (meant to be funny) about west asian politics.. a turtle was swimming past the shoreline of the red sea.
on the shore a scorpion calls out,"hey!
give me a lift over to the other side.
give military training to every refugee male of fighting age and send them to fight ISIS.
They did that for years for the people of Iran. When the US troops left, their US trained/supplied army fled like girls when faced with battle.
Angola BANS ISLAM and MUSLIMS. Calls it a sect.
by PaintedToeNail inangola has banned islam and closed the mosques, saying that it is a sect and counter to the culture of the country.. .
The truly faithful to Mohammed are targeting and slaughtering Christians:
Boko Haram Kills 'Too Many to Count' in Nigeria
According to Amnesty International, the group's assault on a Nigerian border town may be its "deadliest act" yet.
it also looks like they are positioned to kill 200,000 Christians in this city according to U S Intelligence.
Historical Meanings of Sheol & Hades
by Perry infor those of you interested in getting to the bottom of the watchtower's teaching on sheol, hades, condition of the dead etc.
; this information is about as good as it gets.
the idea of consciousness after death was widely accepted from israel's earliest times, contrary to what the watchtower would have its members believe.. the lexicographical evidence is so clear that the great princeton scholar, b. b. warfield; stated that with modern hebrew scholars, there is no hesitation to allow with all heartiness that israel from the beginning of its recorded history cherished the most settled conviction of the persistence of the soul in life after death.
This is one area where the JWs actually made sense to me. I cannot reconcile a God of love torturing someone for eternity because they picked the wrong religion.
You have to consider that hades and sheol NEVER meant the "grave" or non existence. People, all people will never be able to cease being conscious ... whether they are in the body or not.
JW's go so far as to claim that when we die, we get a clean slate and will never face a personal judgment. Hebrews 9: 27 claims the opposite. God promises that he will judge righteously and correctly. JW's worship a false God, one that doesn't judge us personally. Being unconscious after death and never having to face a personal judgment are ideas that are certainly easier to accept to beings like ourselves who are guilty of violating many of our own standards, not to mention Gods'. The gift of morality carries great responsibility.
From the scriptures a person can certainly learn that hades is temporary and is not emptied until after the Thousand Year Reign of Jesus on earth is completed. That is when the "unrighteous" will be resurrected, their souls and bodies are reunited so that the whole person can stand before God and receive judgment.
The idea of a personal judgment is lacking in Watchtower theology. This is the reason that I was so totally bewildered at the doors when I would sometimes get asked if Jesus was my "personal" savior. I didn't understand the seeming obsession with Christians using that term.
Of course in makes perfect sense when a person understands that there will be a "personal" judgment.
Lots of things are incorrectly understood by our limited perception, until the correct standard is applied.
We perceive that squares A & B are different shades. However, when the correct standard is applied it is easy to see how unbeliveably IDENTICAL they really are.
"The Ipcress Schizophrenia"
by The Searcher in8m + are undeniably being systematically instructed via talks & publications on how to speak out of both sides of their mouths!
i'm going to designate this practice as "the ipcress schizophrenia.
" (induction of psycho-neuroses by conditioned reflex under stress".
They learn to speak out of both sides of their mouth because this how the Watchtower has always been. It is craziness. Speaking out of both sides of their mouth is nothing new.
I have been approaching JW's for years with this question:
Is it true that JW's are not part of the new covenant? Categorically, they answer that is NOT true. Only when pressed as to whether they partake of the bread and the wine do they come clean about not being a member of the New Covenant.
When they first answer this question no, and then later answer the same question yes, they appear as if I am the one with some sort of problem and raining on their parade.
....Which of course is true, but that's besides the point.
Historical Meanings of Sheol & Hades
by Perry infor those of you interested in getting to the bottom of the watchtower's teaching on sheol, hades, condition of the dead etc.
; this information is about as good as it gets.
the idea of consciousness after death was widely accepted from israel's earliest times, contrary to what the watchtower would have its members believe.. the lexicographical evidence is so clear that the great princeton scholar, b. b. warfield; stated that with modern hebrew scholars, there is no hesitation to allow with all heartiness that israel from the beginning of its recorded history cherished the most settled conviction of the persistence of the soul in life after death.
For those of you interested in getting to the bottom of the Watchtower's teaching on Sheol, Hades, condition of the dead etc.; this information is about as good as it gets.
The idea of consciousness after death was widely accepted from Israel's earliest times, contrary to what the Watchtower would have its members believe.
The lexicographical evidence is so clear that the great Princeton scholar, B. B. Warfield; stated that with modern Hebrew scholars, there is no “hesitation to allow with all heartiness that Israel from the beginning of its recorded history cherished the most settled conviction of the persistence of the soul in life after death. The body is laid in the grave and the soul departs to Sheol.”2 George Eldon Ladd in The New Bible Dictionary (p. 380), comments: In the Old Testament, man does not cease to exist at death, but his soul descends to Sheol.
EXACTLY Why JW's Are NOT Christian
by Perry ina lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
I think little_socretes is correct:
The Bible is VERY clear Christians eat the bread and wine in remembrance to him. It IS the new convenient. It takes the place of Passover for Christians.
If you partake you are Christian.... if you don't you aren't.Jesus himself, the actual MEDIATOR of the New Covenant states the ONE requirement for acceptance into the New Covenant (for forgiveness of sins) :
John 11: 25 - Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
John 6: 47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. (present tense)
John 7 : 37 - He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Romans 10: 9 -13 - That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
I guess for the sake of argument there is such a thing as unsaved Christians. However, I think for all practical purposes that only a saved Christian could be called a Christian.
The requirement for being a saved Christian or a real Christian if you like, is whether or not a person believes Jesus. This seems really simple. But, where people get into trouble is when they believe someone else over Jesus, or alongside Jesus.
For instance, when a person believes their religious teachers over what Jesus taught.... like participation in the Lord's Supper for example, they are really proving that their belief is primarily in someone else. Or, for example if they believe Mary or the Pope or their Church can provide Salvation ....then, in any of these kinds of instances they are proving that their belief is not on, or in Jesus, but some other.
That therefore nullifies the contract since the ONE requirement for Salvation is lacking.
When I used to go out in filed service, I used to mock Christians for saying that all you had to do was believe in Jesus to be saved. It turns out they were correct. However, they were not talking about the easy believism I had imagined.
It is not quite as easy as it sounds to believe in Jesus to the exclusion of all others, and irregardless of its cost.