Most bible believing Christians today would generally agree with the following chart drawn nearly 100 years ago.
Posts by Perry
The Greatest Paradox
by Perry innow that i have been a born again christian for 10 years, i see things that just boggles my mind.
like this: we all spent untold hours in the field service telling people (mostly christians) about the paradise earth.
that was the reason we were at their door.
The Greatest Paradox
by Perry innow that i have been a born again christian for 10 years, i see things that just boggles my mind.
like this: we all spent untold hours in the field service telling people (mostly christians) about the paradise earth.
that was the reason we were at their door.
This basic understanding has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Crutchfield charted these early Church leaders dispensations in the following list:
Justin Enoch/ Abraham Moses Christ Millennium
Martyr Noah
Adam Noah Moses Christ Millennium
Irenaeus to to to to
Noah Moses Christ Eternity
Tertullian Adam Noah Abraham Moses Christ Millennium
Crutchfield outlined the early Fathers' views on Israel and the church, which is another feature important to dispensationalism.
The Fathers (1) distinguished between the church and national Israel, (2) recognized distinctions among the differing peoples of God throughout biblical history, and (3) believed in the literal fulfillment of covenant promises in the earthly kingdom. . . . The contemporary dispensational position on Israel and the church is primarily a refinement and not a contradiction of the position of the ante-Nicene church(" Israel and the Church," 271.
Arctic Ice Increasing
by Perry inarctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice the last three years.
red shows the september 2012 minimum extent.
green shows the current extent, which is likely the minimum for 2015. the arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.. article.
Arctic Has Gained Hundreds Of Miles Of Ice The Last Three Years
Red shows the September 2012 minimum extent. Green shows the current extent, which is likely the minimum for 2015. The Arctic has gained hundreds of miles of ice over the past three years, much of which is thick, multi-year ice.
The Greatest Paradox
by Perry innow that i have been a born again christian for 10 years, i see things that just boggles my mind.
like this: we all spent untold hours in the field service telling people (mostly christians) about the paradise earth.
that was the reason we were at their door.
Now that I have been a born again Christian for 10 years, I see things that just boggles my mind.
Like this: We all spent untold hours in the field service telling people (mostly Christians) about the Paradise Earth. That was the reason we were at their door. However, all the Christians that I now know already believe in a future Paradise earth. They just call it the Millennium Reign.
It is amazing to me when I remember all the arguments I had, when all the householder had to do is tell me, "Oh, all
Christians already believe in a future paradise earth, we just call it the Millennium Reign".
It all seems like such a weird dream now.
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
This heart surgeon would disagree with you. -
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
The Bible says that the wages of sin is death , so how come the very first sinner Satan ,is still alive
Because the biblical meaning of death means the separation of the body and soul. It does not mean annihilation, as we were taught by the Watchtower. No one reading this post will ever be able to cease their consciousness, regardless of what they do, believe, ignore or say. Your consciousness is permanent.
However, where we all spend eternity is up to us.
Satan was defeated legally at the cross and will be dealt with militarily shortly, just as soon as all those fore-known from the founding of the world are first conceived/born and then sealed.
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
So your prediction is in 20 years most witnesses will drink from the blood of Christ "FOR THE REMMISSION OF SINS"
Arnt you focusing on the " trivial"?Having your sins forgiven by God isn't trivial. I wanted a peaceful relationship with God when I was a JW. I think most of the other members that I knew wanted the same thing. We all thought that we had to be under the covering of the Watchtower Corporation.
Jesus only said that we had to be under his blood. This was a great liberation for me, wife and three sons.
A comforting thought
by Truth and Justice ini have not been on the board in a long time, and as i started reading some of the posts, i could not believe how many new faces or names have appeared on this site.
it is certainly alot more than i could count.
it builds more confidence in me, that the other have of my immediate family will open their eyes.
Their reason for discarding the New Covenant (the one that gets your sins forgiven before God) has crumbled with the changes to the 1914 date setting issue which is connected to the the 144K BEING OUR EARTHLY RULERS.
Now they have non-annointed members on the GB. In 20 years I predict that most JW's will want to get their sins forgiven and will embrace this most basic teaching of Jesus.
Matthew 26:27-28
And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;
28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.
Hysterically tragic - the west stuffs up in Syria
by fulltimestudent ina former lebanese (christian) terrorist once told me a story (meant to be funny) about west asian politics.. a turtle was swimming past the shoreline of the red sea.
on the shore a scorpion calls out,"hey!
give me a lift over to the other side.
give military training to every refugee male of fighting age and send them to fight ISIS.
They did that for years for the people of Iran. When the US troops left, their US trained/supplied army fled like girls when faced with battle.
Angola BANS ISLAM and MUSLIMS. Calls it a sect.
by PaintedToeNail inangola has banned islam and closed the mosques, saying that it is a sect and counter to the culture of the country.. .
The truly faithful to Mohammed are targeting and slaughtering Christians:
Boko Haram Kills 'Too Many to Count' in Nigeria
According to Amnesty International, the group's assault on a Nigerian border town may be its "deadliest act" yet.
it also looks like they are positioned to kill 200,000 Christians in this city according to U S Intelligence.