Village Idiot,
Here is the quote that I posted:
Schweitzer and her team also tested for the presence of DNA within the cellular structures, using an antibody that only binds to the “backbone” of DNA. The antibody reacted to small amounts of material within the “cells” of both the T. rex and the B. canadensis. To rule out the presence of microbes, they used an antibody that binds histone proteins, which bind tightly to the DNA of everything except microbes, and got another positive result. They then ran two other histochemical stains which fluoresce when they attach to DNA molecules. Those tests were also positive. These data strongly suggest that the DNA is original.
You can click the blue lettered word and the end of the quotation and easily check that this is from the North Carolina University website and is quoted verbatim. But, how can this be since DNA has only a half life of 521 Years?
There are dozens of scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals documenting such facts that, if any one of the hundreds of such things is true, then Darwinism falls flat as a failure.
There are countless other lines of evidence that falsify, or at least cast serious doubt on the theory; not the least of which is the discovery of DNA. When this was discovered in the 1950's, that should have been the end of Darwin.
Consider the odds of this:
If you have a series of ten flash cards, numbered from one to ten, and these are thoroughly and randomly mixed, and then laid out successively in a linear array along the table, it would be extremely unlikely that the numbers would fall out in order from one to ten. Actually, there are 3,628,800 different ways in which these numbers could be arranged, so that the "probability" of this particular ordered arrangement is only one in 3,628,800. (This number is "ten factorial," written as 10!, and can be calculated simply by multiplying together all the numbers from one to ten.)
It is obvious that the probability of such a numerically ordered arrangement decreases rapidly as the number of components increases. For any linear system of 100 components in specified order, the probability is chance in 10 to the 158th (a number represented by "one followed by 158 zeroes").
A system requiring such a high degree of order could never happen by chance. This follows from the fact that probability theory only applies to systems with a finite possibility of occurring at least once in the universe, and it would be inconceivable that 10 to the 158th different trials could ever be made in our entire space-time universe.
Astro-physicists estimate that there are no more than 10 to the 80th infinitesimal "particles" in the universe, and that the age of the universe in its present form is no greater than 1018 seconds (30 billion years).Assuming each particle can participate in a thousand billion (10 to the 12th) different events every second (this is impossibly high, of course), then the greatest number of events that could ever happen (or trials that could ever be made) in all the universe throughout its entire history is only 1080 x 1018 x 1012, or 10110 (most authorities would make this figure much lower, about 10 to the 50th). Any event with a probability of less than one chance in 10110, therefore, cannot occur. Its probability becomes zero, at least in our known universe.
Thus, the above-suggested ordered arrangement of 100 components has a zero probability. It could neverhappen by chance. Since every single living cell is infinitely more complex and ordered than this, it is impossible that even the simplest form of life could ever have originated by chance. Even the simplest replicating protein molecule that could be imagined has been shown by Golay1 to have a probability of one in 10 to the 450th. Salisbury calculates the probability of a typical DNA chain to be one in 10 to 600 power.
In other words, many more times the particles in the known universe are needed even to calculate the odds. Materialists that ignore and suppress the knowledge of God that he put inside of each human being would never run their lives according to such improbabilities and mental gymnastics in less important and mundane matters. For instance, after trying just a few times, most of us stopped trying to find the end of the rainbow as children. This is a normal development in children. We learn to pursue reality very early.
We also learn that God's moral law, and even our own innate sense of right and wrong is equally an impossibility to perfectly adhere to. So, many of us seek out cults that give us a false sense of accomplishment from our efforts at being good. Or, others seek to suppress the knowledge of God and attempt to find safety in neurosis.
However, sin in any form is not our FRIEND. We have but one true friend in this world. His name is Jesus. And he loves each of us very, very much. If we trust him alone, he promises that will have the victory in everything.