Actually, they we found over 100 years ago. But because so many dinosaur bones have yielded soft tissue, blood cells, DNA fragments etc. , many have predicted (including myself) when all this really broke loose in 2005, that MANY MORE similar discoveries would be made simply by going back and cracking open old fossils and having a look inside. (Something our incredibly intelligent scientists apparently never thought of doing until one was sawed in two to allow for air transport since it was so big.)
This appears to confirm my prediction that similar discoveries would be made and have no relevance WHATSOEVER to the vast ages assigned to them whether is was 60 million years, 200 million years.... or in this case over 500 million years.
“New, exceptionally preserved specimens of the weakly sclerotized arthropod Waptia fieldensis from the middle Cambrian (ca. 508 million years ago) Burgess Shale, Canada, provide the oldest example of in situ eggs with preserved embryos in the fossil record,” the researchers wrote in a report published earlier this month in the journal “Current Biology.”