She also said that I robbed her of the fantasy that there is a god and eternal life in a paradise earth.
Are you an atheist?
i want to spare you a long post about my background.
because this topic is about something else.a small information is that i knew ttatt before i got married.
but then i somehow pushed it back for quite some time because i didnt want to change my life and it was convenient to instantly meet new people when you move into a new city.couple of years into my marriage and seeing all the changes in the jw my thirst for ttatt resurfaced.
She also said that I robbed her of the fantasy that there is a god and eternal life in a paradise earth.
Are you an atheist?
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
bohn, your false assumptions were already refuted pages ago. And you know it.
The universe had a beginning. You can't change that.
Beginnings have causes. You can't change that either.
Since our space/time universe was caused, the cause is outside of space & time, otherwise its own cause would precede it, placing it back in the space time universe, it is still yet to create... an illogical impossibility. So, the whole notion of what is "natural" is placed beyond our space/time universe, quite effectively destroying Materialism/Naturalism.
No one has ever seen something from nothing appear. As already addressed, a vacuum is far from "nothing" . Don't confuse the two. Additionally, when virtual particles momentarily appear within a vacuum, they are appearing in a space that already exists, because space itself is part of our universe.
Our understanding of the laws of physics is based on observation. We are in territory here well beyond observation.
Atheists speculate freely on yet unknown laws of physics that would allow a universe to pop into existence from nothing. Even if discovered, the atheist is still left with the serious question; Where did those laws came from? This is usually not included in their speculations.
Just another illustration of the many failures of Materialism / Naturalism to explain our existence.
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
And something from nothing isn't magic? At least with magic you start with a magician. Materialists start with literally nothing. Why isn't this happening now?
The belief that there was nothing and nothing happened to nothing, and then nothing magically exploded for no reason creating everything and everywhere. Then, a bunch of the everything magically rearranged itself for no apparent reason into strands self-replicating bits of a mind-boggling four-letter coding system which then turned into you, which has no eternal purpose or accountability whatsoever.
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
We have seen people carving things and we have seen peacocks and we understand that people create art. Therefore when we see all of this together it is logical to conclude a conscious person did it.
No one has seen a god or witnessed a divine creation
AND, you have seen causes for effects. In fact, that's all you or anyone else has EVER seen. Why disregard this when it forces you to abandon Materialism?
If you want to believe what amounts to "doodle bugs" carving a wooden peacock. Fine, I don't personally have a problem with that. But your belief is utterly baseless and without precedent. Ever.
what are some false reasoning's behind some of the wt rules?.
why is it forbidden as a jw to celebrate birthdays?
Do they consider the apostles part of the 144,000 or is it 144,000 plus the people in the bible?
They consider the apostles and ALL (true) Christians since them to be included in the 144K. until around 1919.
That's too many you say? Well, I guess they weren't really "true" Christians were they? (wink, wink)
It's hard for me to accept that I used to believe this stuff. 70 Million Christians have been martyred for their faith since the time of Christ.
i don't usually anti-witness anymore, but being out of town and bored i went up and introduced myself to a couple of sisters " trolly witnessing" then a voice from behind me spoke " if you don't mind i think i was in front of you".
i stepped back, apologising as i did so, and decided to continue with my day.. anyway this trivial incident i post because it may be quite unique, i mean i really can't imagine anywhere else in the world where people are queing up to speak to these people manning " trolly carts" can you?.
and on the whole i think that's a good thing, even if he was ahead of me only to anti-witness?.
I personally am grateful that one woman in field service took the time to explain to me that Christians believe in a paradise earth. They just call it the Millennium Reign. She obviously could see that I was confused on the issue and felt enough empathy to slowly and kindly explain it to me.
After I learned that, it kind of took the wind out of may sails.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke
I never got a chance to thank that lady. She may even think she is a failure as a Christian, and isn't very good at Witnessing.
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
If you assume a conscious body then you have not chosen the simplest explanation
If you were walking in the woods and found a large wooden carved artwork in the shape of a peacock with some doodle bugs crawling around on it. What would be the simplest explanation to explain its existence?
A. The unconscious doodle bugs did it?
B. A conscious person did it?
The doodle bugs are far simpler than a man, but are not the simplest explanation.
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Once you accept a cause beyond our space/time universe Occams razon doesn't apply. The simplest explanation is that space and time were manipulated as opposed to waiting around for 14 billion years.
Think of when you are looking for a particular scene in a movie that you wish to replay to show someone. You can certainly start from the beginning and make your guest wait an hour until the scene emerges, or you could just hit the Fast Forward button.Which is the simplest course of action, assuming the technology?
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
I don't believe the billions of years characterization of the universe. 17 times God says that he manipulated space and time to "stretch" out the heavens.
This action is consistent with someone with the power and intelligence to create space and time in the first place.
If the master inventor of space and time says he did it in 6 days; I believe him.
I do find it interesting that only since Einstein have we been thinking of space and time as a woven fabric, with waves, ripples and indentations. The bible likened it to a fabric back in the "bronze age":
Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain - Ps. 104:2
the universe can be observed to be expanding.. an expanding universe must have had a beginning.
whatever begins to exist had a cause.
therefore the universe had a cause.
Perry, the only beginnings you have experience with are beginnings within time and space. You have no experience with beginnings outside of time and space. So I'm not sure that it's logical to assume that beginnings outside of time and space require a cause the same as beginnings within time and space.
Island Man,
I am not suggesting that the Cause of the universe had a beginning of any kind. It would by necessity, be an uncaused Cause. Why? Just connect the dots.
We can clearly ascertain that the universe had a beginning. Everything in our universe had a cause. The cause of the universe must be uncaused, otherwise its own cause would preceed it, placing it back in the space time universe which is impossible, if it caused it in the first place. See what I mean? Pretty simple logic.
Some of the folks here are just having a hard time imagining an existence of any kind without time. I suspect because it is a direct negation of Materialism which has been adopted by some who leave the watchtower. The human mind abhors a vacuum.
This argument (not to mention the science behind it) demonstrates the failure of Materialism to explain our existence.