They have also detected Dinosaur DNA in pourous limestone from the Hell Creek area in Montana.
Posts by Perry
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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In the case of cement, all that carbonate is already all freed up, so the stalagtites can form much, much faster.
But that is not the case at the monument. It is made of limesone quarried just six miles from a famous cave with identical formations.
Also, there was no concrete in the farmers field pipe that made the big teepee mound in wyoming.
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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While you are at it, maybe you could proffer an explanation on why dinosaur bones are still decomposing after "millions of years".
Once, when she was working with a T. rex skeleton harvested from Hell Creek, she noticed that the fossil exuded a distinctly organic odor. "It smelled just like one of the cadavers [dead bodies] we had in the lab who had been treated with chemotherapy before he died," she says. Given the conventional wisdom that such fossils were made up entirely of minerals, Schweitzer was anxious when mentioning this to Horner. "But he said, 'Oh, yeah, all Hell Creek bones smell,'" she says. To most old-line paleontologists, the smell of death didn't even register. - Discover Magazine
How can fragile blood vessels and cells still be intact after "millions of years"?
How can dinosaur DNA be detected when DNA has been proven to have a half life of only 521 years, meaning nothing could be detected after 100,000 yrs. at most?
Whether it is 65 or 380 "million years"; how can pourous limestone reveal:
intricate soft tissue structures in fossils, including the actual preserved brain of a 300 million-year-old fish from North America and actual muscle bundles attached to 380 million-year-old placoderm fishes from Australia. - Science Alert
Which Public Talks did you enjoy giving/hearing? And which ones did you dislike giving or hearing?
by humblepotato ini was just going through some of my talk outlines and i've decided to git rid of quite a few of them.
i'm still serving, but as time goes on... there are many subjects i will not teach anymore.. i got rid of the outlines dealing with blood, the field ministry, and ones talking about 607 and 1914. i can barely stand hearing them let alone give them.
in fact, talk 41 "stand still and see the salvation of jehovah" is one i got rid of because its whole point was about having blind obedience toward the gb and the elders during the great tribulation, and that we need to start practicing obedience now if we want to survive.
I liked talks that featured Jesus prominently.... still do. He was the most fascinating person in history. The whole world counts time by his birth. He came back from the dead and showed himself to hundreds. It is one of the most well attested events in antiquity.
I remember how excited my mother got when the Listening to the Great Teacher book came out. She said something to the effect that "finally we have a book about Jesus". She also said something about how that should stop the critics that say that JW's don't believe in Jesus.
Of course, JW's believe in Jesus existence, they just don't believe that Jesus was talking to them when it comes to salvation.
What were Satan and his demons "doing" up in heaven, before being "cast down" in 1914?
by Dunedain ini was just thinking about how the wts has been spouting off for years that satan and his demons were cast down to the vicinity of the earth in 1914, but really, when you think about it, what was the difference before 1914 or after 1914?.
its not like satan and his demons did not have access to the earth.
satan and his demons always were messing with earth.
They haven't been cast down yet. I think it will be pretty obvious when they are.
If Jehovah hates magic, why is it ok to go to Magic theme parks such as Disneyland the Magic Kingdom and not be disfellowshipped for it?
by Greybeard inif jehovah hates magic, why is it ok to go to magic theme parks such as disney land the magic kingdom?
i grew up a jw and we all went to disney land and magic mountain.
if jehovah hates magic then why are these places not forbidden?
"Magic" is a general term that encompasses a number of things including:
* sleight of hand
* computer graphical feats
* illusions
* occult
And, probably a number of other things. Most of the magicians I know wouldn't touch the occult stuff with a ten foot pole.
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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The process that creates stalactites and stalagmites is well understood
Then it should be easy for you to explain why they take "millions of years" to form in caves and just a few decades in basements.
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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Limestone caves dissolve at a very slow, consistent rate that can be measured.
Millions of years is pretty slow!
It is amazing how the mineral deposits know how to grow slowly in caves but quickly in environments that contradict the naturalism ideology.
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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The caption claims the environment is virtually identical to a nearby famous cave.
George Rogers Clark Memorial is built on the bank of the Wabash River at Vincennes, Indiana. The limestone came from Bedford Quarry, near Bedford, Indiana, just six miles from the entrance of Blue Springs Cave, one of the most beautifully decorated caves in the nation. Water percolates down through cracks in the memorial building into the basement as it does in the cave and the result is the same kind of formations as found in the cave.
It certainly looks identical to cave formations claimed to be millions of years old. A better explanation is not that the chemical make up might be different, but that the rate of mineral deposit varied from what ever testing was originally done to determine the rate of mineral flow.
This huge mineral mound was cause by a farmer's field pipe that was left flowing for 100 years and formed this mineral rich deposit. It is called the Teepee Formation in Thermopolis, Wyoming.
Here's some beautiful formations in a manmade tunnel. Notice the sign.
Evidence for a Young Earth
by Perry infor additional information:.
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Over the weekend I saw a stalagmite that was about 2 million years old, and it is still alive and growing. The science currently will not give you exact year the first deposit was made, but through statistical measure they can present with a degree of confidence that the stalagmite is old 2 million years.
Stalagmites are a perfect example of this discussion. How many millions of years did this take to form?