Usually, the reason that God attacks is to defend His friends (those that love Him) -that is what happens at Armageddon.
Thank you for mentioning that Fisherman. The watchtower paints "Armageddon" as a sort of Judgment Day for all mankind. It most certainly is not. It is a rescue mission: "if those days were not cut short no flesh would be saved".
By the time Armageddon happens, 2/3 of the population will have already died in the wars of the Antichrist as he attempts to rule the world for a short time. By this time, the "church" (global body of child-like believers) will most likely be gone from the earth in the rapture. But, salvation does not end at the rapture.
As far as the understandability of biblical truth goes; Jesus said that we must be like children to enter his coming kingdom. It is a very simple thing that God has made in order for anyone to have eternal life:
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life - John 3: 36a
This seems pretty fair to me. I didn't ask to be burdened by sin and not able to live out all my moral aspirations.
Disbelieving God (Eve) is what separated me from God; likewise a lifestyle of believing God is what saves me from my due judgment as a morally endowed creature. This is not a concern of mine anymore. I am free to turn my attention toward other more productive pursuits.
Having lived a lifestyle of believing God now for several years, I cannot imagine living any other way. While simple, it isn't easy. But, the fruit it produces is most enjoyable. WAY better than the temporary enjoyment of sin.
I came to the conclusion that believing God, required me to take a stand against the Watchtower. I discontinued my fade for this reason: To make my belief in God sure, I sent a letter to my father and two older brothers who were elders explaining my shift from belief in an organization to belief in Christ alone.
I believe that God has honored this stand and blessed me in many other ways that I would not have otherwise experienced had I just continued to fade away.