All 7 billion people now alive are going to die one way or another if the Lord tarries.
God identifies this unnecessary fate as being cause by a separation from him, the continual Source of life.
Of course, when we contemplate our own death, the timing of it seems like a big deal. In reality, there is never a really good way....or day to die. Some are just a little better than others.
So the reasoning that it is God's fault that people die is false. He did not cause the separation, and we are not autonomous beings with our own life-source to keep us and the universe intact. So, death is inevitable ....... except God intervened.
It would have been a travesty of a monumental evil if God would have created moral beings with notions and appreciation of laws and at the same time not allowed for the judgment of those who would hurt others. In this scenario, God would actually be the source of the evil perpetrated since he created the possibility of evil with no mechanism to punish it.
Since there is no evil with God, he could have chosen to just make us another of the many animals without morals, or he could have chosen to eventually judge the evil done by his moral creatures. In his wisdom, he chose the latter.
The problem is we like to play God and be the one who decides who should be punished for their evil. Of course my evil should never be punished because I have very good reasons for my evil. God does away with this pettiness.
But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe. - Galatians 3:22
Because Jesus actually became sin for us, (2 Cor. 5: 21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin) , the original gift of choice was restored. We are in the highly favored position of being able to choose life or death.
But never for a moment think that God will be derelict in his duty in judging sin. That would make him evil and the source of the sin, which he is not.