I used to donate about 100.00 per month.
Now I donate around around twenty times that amount as a Christian and never seem to miss it.
i grew up in the org and never got baptised, however i was wondering recently about how much money my family and old friends are wasting in all that.
i remember of course never talking in amounts, that it was important to give from what you can not what you have etc but i admit i have no clue how much the average witness gives (say in % of their income).. i'm sure it varies greatly, i'd love to hear what you guys have to say..
I used to donate about 100.00 per month.
Now I donate around around twenty times that amount as a Christian and never seem to miss it.
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
It's a magnificent promotion.
a new commadment to the posting guidelines.
we must love one another.. if i read the posting guidelines and saw the lurking presence of that new commadment " we must love one another" i would feel very uneasy about registering.
it sounds more like a threat than an expression of love.
Excellent points Rebel. When we believe that most folks are just trying to establish peace, success & happiness in their lives, it goes a long way in overlooking expressions that we disagree with, and not take them personal.
Views that seem misdirected to us, suddenly become perfectly understandable when, we realize that the real goals are pretty much the same as our own; even if the paths are totally different.
I don't think principled love can find a foothold without this understanding.
i'm hoping to start a series of posts refuting common, fallacious jw reasoning that they repeat to support their teachings or defend their organization.
in this first installment i will be tackling the common fallacious analogy used by them to equate eating blood with receiving a transfusion.
feel free to share your own refutations on each thread.. "if a doctor tells you to abstain from alcohol you wouldn't go injecting it into your veins, would you?".
Good job Island Man. It is a false analogy.
1 2017 says on its back page.
the saharan silver ant (cataglyphis bombycina) is one of the most heat-tolerant land animals known.
According to the bible's explanation, the present features we observe in animals that are used for hunting, and defense were not originally used for that purpose. Alternatively, God could have brought in some features we observe as a result of the Fall and the curse upon creation.
Either way, assuming that current observations were in the original design is precluded from a biblical perspective.
It was obvious to me even as a kid, that people were looking for any reason to continue with the magical thinking
And proponents of ID accuse their opponents of the same magical thinking when they ignore the odds involved in materialism & the something from nothing cosmology in that view.
this is the first time i've read through a watchtower magazine in about a year.
although i've been our only 8 months it really git me how crazy i must have sounded when i was a jw talking to non jws.. while other bible based religions talk about the 4 horsemen and back up their theories with other scriptures or historical evidence, the watchtower have taken so such steps.
1914 is thrown in there as if it's universally agreed that jesus started ruling since then.. even when i was a jw i never really understood why, if the pale horse represents jesus, why is he first?
One of the first things I became aware of after leaving was how most theologians claim that the Antichrist rides the White Horse, which is the exact opposite of what the Watchtower says.
Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard fone of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.
Plainly, Jesus is the one opening the seals, not one of the riders. Furthermore, Jesus has no need to conquer. He defeated death and hell at Calgary and declared "It is finished".
Apparently, while the anti-christ is running around "conquoring"; the Watchtower will once again be following the wrong course..
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
Thier is no scripture in the New Testament in the original Greek that implies the followers of Christ would be rulers.
What about this?
And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities. And the second came, saying, Lord, thy pound hath gained five pounds. And he said likewise to him, Be thou also over five cities. - Luke 19
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
(The Mormons also believe that spirits have flesh bodies in heaven.)
Hi Blondie,
As far as I know, in mainstream Christian doctrine, Jesus is so far unique in that he is the only one with a glorified human body....(until the resurrection at the rapture). Then, "we shall be like him." & "meet him in the air".
The three main doctrines in Christianity are: 1. Justification (covered by the blood to be legally righteous) 2. Sanctification (set apart for the purposes of God) & 3. Glorification (having a glorified body like Jesus.)
When asked if his body was really him, Jesus invited others to touch him and reassured them that an apparition (spirit) could not be touched like he could. He went into heaven in front of hundreds in this same body. Angels asked, "men of Galilee, why do you stare into heaven? Do you not know that THIS SAME JESUS, will return in like manner."
The glorification of the human body; ie. gaining extra capabilities of which immortality is not the least, is bedrock Christian doctrine since the times of the apostles. Having a glorified, supernatural, yet real flesh and blood body - forever, is characterized as "the blessed hope" in Titus 2: 13 that will realized at Jesus glorious appearing. This is THE HOPE of Christians, whether they are now in the body, or already out of the body with Jesus.
Your word choice makes it sound like this is a fringe doctrine, In reality, it has been the hope of most every born-again Christian for the past 2000 years. Not only are Christians expecting God to reverse the effects of sin that none of us asked to inherit; they are also expecting God to make good on his promise to glorify them.... make them even better than perfect Adam & Eve was.
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
The only example of an immortal human body in scripture is Jesus, after his resurrection. In that body he ate and drank, appeared in rooms without using doors & ascended into heaven in that same body.
Presumably church age believers will be able to do the same since the scripture reads that when he appears (at the rapture) we shall be "just like him".
does this make any sense whatsoever ?
isnt jesus christ the king ?why the need for 144000 king priests to help him ?.
is he not up for the job?
What are your thoughts about this question ?
There will be far more co-rulers that 144K. This refers to ONLY Israelites, the remnant God reserves for himself who do not support the anti-christ during the great tribulation.
In the Thousand-Year Reign, the Earth's population will be as numerous as the Sands of the Sea. (Billions and Billions) These people are the survivors and the offspring of the survivors of all of the anti-christs wars at the end of the great tribulation. They are not immortal (church-age saints) but have life-spans similar to those who lived before the flood. They are commonly referred to as tribulation saints.
Millions of church-age saints (believers during the times of the gentiles) will have already been raptured, their bodies resurrected and united with their souls. They will have bodies exactly like the one that Jesus had after his resurrection..... able to thrive in heaven and on earth, doubtless multi-dimensional and very powerful. (Higher than the angels)
If you figure the USA has about 22 million people in the government, it is not hard to image many millions of people working in collaboration with Jesus as the King of the Earth since there will only be ONE government during this time.