Posts by Perry
Evolution is a Fact #1 - Protein Functional Redundancy
by cofty ini intend for this to be one of a series of bite-sized ops on the evidence for evolution.. introduction to dna genes are sequences of dna made up of words (codons) each of which are three letters (bases) long.
there are only four letters in the genetic alphabet (acg&t) each word or codon is the recipe for one amino acid.
there are 20 different amino acids in living organisms.
Where Do You Think Your Dear Loved Ones Are?
by minimus insince we were jws at one time, has it influenced your view as to where your dead loved ones are now?
i know many here do not believe in anything biblical but i’m curious as to whether you believe anyone is in heaven?
Thousands of cases of Terminal Lucidity cases shows that our soul lives, even after brain tissue is destroyed.
I believe that man was created in the image (similar to that) of an eternal God. And, man has an eternal soul.... so that no matter whatever happens to the body in a world capable of accidents, evil and decay, fellowship with God would never be at risk; unless of course we choose that. I think God respects our choices. Jesus said that not even a sparrow falls to the ground without God taking notice of it.
In this view, No one will ever be able to cease being conscious.... even if they desperately want to, because it is inherent to our nature, blueprint, construction etc. -
Why remove John 8:1-11 in the NWT if these verses speak highly of Jesus
by I_love_Jeff ini understand these verses were removed in the nwt as well as some other bibles because they were added later & considered uninspired.
jesus protected an adultress so why remove it?
it fits in nicely with his teachings, does it not?
Greek scholar Didymus the Blind (c. 350 A.D.) is known to have cited the passage extensively in his commentary on Ecclesiastes, which was discovered in the 1940's. It was commented on at a time when it is admitted that "many manuscripts, both Greek and Latin contained the story" ( cf. Jerome) of the Woman Taken in Adultery.
Not only was the passage known among Greek commentators from before Jerome's time, it was known specifically in Alexandria, the suspected source of the Alexandrian text-type, which omits the verses. (ie. Sinaiticus and Vaticanus manuscripts which are summarily rejected as hopelessly corrupted by millions of Christians today)
Early Writers and John 8:1-11
Date Author comments c. 150 B.C. Susanna new! - O.G. has "ορθρου" 60-120 A.D. Didache - Greek & Commentary 100 A.D. Papias - Greek/English 140 A.D. Marcion - early tampering 150 A.D. Gospel of Peter - & John 8:1-11 c. 150 A.D. Susanna (Theod.) - Theod: πᾶς ὁ λαὸς 140-160 A.D. Diatesseron - knows of Jn 8:1-11 210 A.D. Tertullian - evidence of edict 220 A.D. Hippolytus - on Susanna & Origen 230 A.D. Origen - not so silent 250 A.D. Didaskalia - quotes Jn 8:1-11 290-556 A.D. The Emperors - Adultery & Roman Law c. 330 A.D. Constantine - (see Philostorgius) c. 350 A.D. Apostolic Constitutions - PA as Holy Scripture Apostolic Const. - Greek Text 350 A.D. Ambrosiaster - a solid quotation 360 A.D. Didymus - quotes PA as scripture 370 A.D. Pacian - Supports Jerome c. 384 A.D. Jerome - on John 8:1-11 Jerome's NT Preface - good discussion 388 A.D. Ambrose - quotes Jn 8:1-11 350-400 A.D. Epiphanius new! - Euseb. Canon has PA! 380-400 A.D. Faustus on PA - quoted by Augustine 400 A.D. Augustine Supports PA & TR 408 A.D. Rufinus - aware of PA c. 400 A.D. Chrysostom - new evidence for PA 425 A.D. Philostorgius - discusses tampering 429 A.D. Theodoret - startling evidence 400-450 Sozomen new! - Constantine & Crispus 425-450 A.D. Sedulius - PA as Holy Scripture 4th-5th cent. Syriac PA - accepted as genuine c.650+ A.D. Gospel of Barnabas new! - & the PA c.700 A.D. The Venerable Bede - homily on PA c.1100 A.D. Euthymius - evidence misused -
JW Good News is merely B.S. Bad News demonstrably wrong (Here is the proof)
by TerryWalstrom inscare tactics generating fear of the end is the core message of jehovah's witnesses.predictions based on so-called bible prophecy is their mother's milk.
"critical times hard to deal with" flavors every book, article,pamphlet and conversation spoken by dub on the doorstep.indeed, all we hear anywhere seems to be bad news.
are jw's right?can this be put to the test?
Or, as Charles Dickens put it, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The world keeps spinning, but it wobbles. All the same....
1. Abortions are down to lowest levels since Roe v. Wade
2. Cigarette smoking down
3. Littering has declined by 61% in last 40 years
4. Teen drug and alcohol abuse is down (not including weed)
5. Percentage of college educated population has increased by a 1/3 in the US
6. The Watchtower can hide much less of their dirty laundry than they could 30 years ago with the invention of the internet.
7. Median Household Income (and potential) has risen substantially even when adjusted for inflation
Now if we could just get our debt, trade deficits, and 100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities down.
My son graduated last Friday
by Captain Schmideo2 ini have talked about him before on this forum.
he is now a graduate from mit!.
it was a lovely weekend.. i got to meet some of the friends he has made in the past four years, and some of their families.. they were very nice, decent, friendly, and enjoyable people.
Wonderful news Captain! Very happy and excited for you.
"Keep testing if you are in the faith" Just like a Doctors visit??
by stuckinarut2 ina thought came to mind.. often when we awaken to the "truth about the truth", jws will ask "what made you start questioning things?
they act as if we are doing something wrong by questioning facts.. but, the scripture at 2 cor 13:5 clearly says "keep testing whether you are in the faith, keep proving what you are".
so, this implies regular checks of our faith, and all we believe to be true.
The 2nd half of that scripture ends with: "except ye be reprobates"? (KJV)
So the only ones who don't apply a test to see if their faith is genuine are reprobates.
Definition: When a sinner is so hardened as to feel no remorse or misgiving of conscience, it is considered as a sign of reprobation.
This is how I reasoned when I left in Nov. 1995. I lived through the 1975 false prediction as a 12 year old. I lived through the generation prediction collapse with the Nov. 1995 issue of the Watchtower at age 32... I saw no remorse, no apologies; just more misdirection and denials.
They failed the test of faith. And with their failure, my misplaced faith also failed.
I'm so glad I got out when I did. -
JW stopped me in the street.....
by Phizzy inhe pulled up in his car beside me and asked for directions, then he recognized me, we used to be in the same congo.. the usual pleasantries, i gave him directions, and then "when are you going to come back then" he asks.. "never" i say, "well, it has all changed" he says, " it's not like it used to be" i detect a tone of regret.. "but you know there is nowhere else to go" he boldly proclaims.. "yes there is !
" say i, "there is somewhere where you can find truth, and truth is supported by facts and evidence ".
he had to drive off then as he was blocking a narrow street, i did not get time to say " go to jw", i will tell him next time..
Wow, that's a totally different beast !
JW stopped me in the street.....
by Phizzy inhe pulled up in his car beside me and asked for directions, then he recognized me, we used to be in the same congo.. the usual pleasantries, i gave him directions, and then "when are you going to come back then" he asks.. "never" i say, "well, it has all changed" he says, " it's not like it used to be" i detect a tone of regret.. "but you know there is nowhere else to go" he boldly proclaims.. "yes there is !
" say i, "there is somewhere where you can find truth, and truth is supported by facts and evidence ".
he had to drive off then as he was blocking a narrow street, i did not get time to say " go to jw", i will tell him next time..
Thanks for posting this little bit of insight on WT culture these days. I voluntarily left in Nov. of '95 for reasons of conscience.
A recently faded ex-JW told me recently that I would not even recognize the meetings if I were to go back to visit now.
Are they not even using songbooks now Listener? I knew about the prerecorded viceos in place of live parts. It all makes me want to go visit just to see for myself. -
by dogisgod ini just heard this the other day.
growing up a jehovahs witness is like growing up in no.
In the past I have described the JW experience as a cross between N. Korean brain-washing tactics and mafia-style callousness..... displayed by people who wear suits.
I remember a Circuit Overseer stating that he had heard that some people had accused JW's as being brain washed. He then stated with a smirky smile that most people probably needed to have their brains washed. -
Joseph Rutherford = Donald Trump
by Wild_Thing ini have been rereading a lot about rutherford lately; about his personality and the kind of person he was.
i have come to the conclusion that he was a lot like donald trump.. he was an accused womanizer.. he was a narcissist with a self inflated ego.
he claimed to be persecuted by the media all the time.
There is complaint in various places that the Watch Tower studies have degenerated into mere reading lessons.
Seems like this has been a problem from the beginning.