For example the idea that the gospels are a true account of the first century is false, Christianity with Jesus is a fourth century phenomenon.
And as many point out, scholarship utterly destroys this claim:
a careful examination of the historical pagan religious context existing at the time of the genesis of christianity leads any reasonable person to conclude that jesus is just another one of several similar myths..
For example the idea that the gospels are a true account of the first century is false, Christianity with Jesus is a fourth century phenomenon.
And as many point out, scholarship utterly destroys this claim:
a lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
There are 30,000 Christian sects
And Jehovah's Witnesses are unique in their outright rejection of the New Covenant, the one that offers forgiveness of sins.
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins - Eph. 1 : 7
Then He took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. 28 For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. - Matthew 26: 27&28
Jehovah's Witnesses reject the Blood of the Covenant for themselves personally. This is fundamental to what being a Christian is. This is the primary reason why they are not Christian. There IS NOT ONE NEW TESTAMENT SCRIPTURE that describes how a person can get their sins forgiven outside of the New Covenant.
do any of you ex-jw's still believe in god?
even with the new rebranding/softening of this religion, i still don't see how people can believe in him.
the god of the old testimate is an angry murderer who approved rapes and slavery and killed thousands of men, women and children.
Everyone believes in God. It is instinctual. There hasn't ever been a culture without belief in God.
With the discovery of DNA, (and many other things) we have what statistics PROVE is evidence of intelligent design.
God never acknowledges the existence of atheists in the bible. He only says, "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God."
God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. - Romans 1
People know that God exists, they just suppress it. Regardless of the nice things that unsaved people say from time to time about God, the reality is that they really don't like him. This is because psychologically we know that we are God's enemy and he ours - by nature. We cover it all up with religion, good works, pride, more good works etc.; it's all so tiresome.
The old vehicle can't be fixed. That's why Jesus said that we must be born again. Many people are just fine with their first birth and are not willing to go through another. The watchtower offered us a way to be religious without going through the circumcision of the spirit and getting born again. It seemed like something that we could control, and not too weird or radical. It didn't work.
jw's often state that their practice of disfellowshipping is used to keep the congregation clean and free of "worldly" influences and the like, however that is just pure b.s.
in actual practice, all they actually care about is your status according to the watchtower society.
case in point is ray's situation.. ray disassociated himself about 20 years ago because elders and other jw's were constantly spreading false rumors after he quit attending meetings.
His dad gave him instructions on how he is to behave so he will not have to cut him off.
The key is secrecy. As long as people sorta behave themselves and don't talk ill of Mother Church, then even if you leave you still will probably get thrown an emotional bone or two now and then by relatives.
The secrecy (facade) is what they want to protect the most.
after reading this newly leaked letter, something profoundly "hit" me.
myself, being born a "witness", and most of us here, who have learned their teachings for years, know of the "importance" the gb/wts always placed on the watchtower and awake magazines, themselves.. from the magazines inception, from back in probably the 1920's, or somewhere that far back, the wts claimed that the preaching work, and specifically the distribution of these magazines, were a sign of the times, and a fulfilment of bible prophecy in these last days.
they would compare the watchtower magazine to a "stinging scorpion", claiming those magazines fulfilled that verse in revelation.
I have long seen similarities between the Armstrong organization and the Watchtower.
At some point, the GB are going to have to jettisone the dating of second coming at 1914. When that happens, the general membership will be allowed to have a relationship with Christ through the New Covenant like they did in the beginning.
Who knows?
a lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
Crazy Guy,
When I became a Christian I conducted business strictly with Jesus and was saved, since "there is no other name under heaven by which we are saved". But, Christians have always believed Jesus, the man, is irrevocably fused with the personage of the Son which has the same essence as Jehovah.
As my wife and I started going to services, especially more traditional services I was surprised how many references to Jehovah were made in the Hymnals. It is not uncommon to find songs that go back three to five hundred years affirming that the father and son are one essence.
Here's just one example.
a careful examination of the historical pagan religious context existing at the time of the genesis of christianity leads any reasonable person to conclude that jesus is just another one of several similar myths..
a lot of people, ex-jws, believers and unbelievers alike, think that jw's are just a somewhat kooky brand of christianity.
is it possible to "try and follow jesus" and not be christian?
what exactly makes someone a christian?
I would be comfortable in any number of bible believing churches. When we moved, we found a similar church, though not officially Baptist. Doctrine is identical. They have elders, which is a Presbyterian influence. Doesn't really matter, nice solid folks there.
I can’t say I am really much of a biblical scholar but man you would think if that was god’s plan for humanity, you would think the bible would be pretty consistent in this teaching.
The New Testament is perfectly consistent in its teaching that a person has to be a member of the new covenant in order to have forgiveness of sins. NOT ONE scripture shows how a person can get their sins forgiven while outside of the New Covenant.
BTW, as a side note, the English words: testament and covenant are from the same Greek word. They both just mean "contract". The bible has been divided by the old contract and the new contract.
The entire new testament describes how things should be when / after entering into the "new contract" with God.
a careful examination of the historical pagan religious context existing at the time of the genesis of christianity leads any reasonable person to conclude that jesus is just another one of several similar myths..
I think the evidence is overwhelming in favor of genuine history, for many, many reasons. This connection you propose is popular in some dark corners of the internet, but not among reputable scholars.
Despite having popular appeal on the Internet, the idea that the resurrection story of Jesus was borrowed from pagan mythology has been abandoned by the vast majority of critical scholars today.1 In fact, one noted resurrection expert named Gary Habermas said that he could count on one hand of the 2,000 or so publications that he surveyed from French, German, and English written during 1975 to the present of how many scholars attribute the story of the resurrection of Jesus as being borrowed from pagan mythology.2
i know many will be the day you left the wt organization.
i'm sure we have a lot.
of good memories, but the ones that sticks out in your mind.. 1) the birth of my children.. 2) the day i stepped foot on the plane that flew me home from viet nam.. 3)and the day in high school i made the winning point against our cross town rival.
I was born in 1963. No worries, were still young!
Hard to compete with your # 3 !
Seriously, birth of children are at the top for me ...with 1 or 2 others.