How did this thread change into a female discussion about the "wild caught male" vs. the "pet raised male" ?
Posts by Perry
For sure, Faye and Magnum.
After I got married, I tried to pair her with a wild caught male thinking that he might know more about what to do if you get my drift. Let's just say that she was terrified of him.... wasn't meant to be.
I then paired her with a mature pet raised male. She was definitely more comfortable and laid lots of eggs, none fertile. Sold them as an unproven pair.
Hopefully he got around to figuring things out.
Yes. (sniffle) -
I'm sorry Scooter. -
1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears inhow in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.
Me too Jook Beard. I remember being fixated on the little girl falling into the hole clutching her little doll. If you look closely, right next to her was her puppy dog dying too.
1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears inhow in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.
I went to the convention in Atlanta, GA in 1969. I was only six but remember it well. It was 9am to 9pm for 8 days straight. Might as well have been North Korean indoctrination mind programming. I remember squirming and writhing ....counting the minutes until 9pm.
But, at least I was provided with some nice children's books to play with:
The Judge
by New day ingenuine question here.
a lot has been said on this site about how judge rutherford responded to events in his day by 'revealing' the great crowd of earthly subjects of the kingdom.
it was always portrayed to me as a reaction from the ground up of those who didn't want to go to heaven.
Why did he do it? Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was. - 2 Tim 3
The simple truth isn't good enough for those with an inflated view of themselves. But, the error always gets revealed in due time.
The first century "good news" cannot be changed no matter how many appeals to "new light" is made:
But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. Gal. 1: 8 -
Newspaper article: Why JWs Don't Celebrate Easter
by Sugar Shane insaw this article in the google news.
it seems like the comments section is being overrun by jw apologists.
would be nice if some of us leveled the playing field.
Here's an interesting article in defense of using the word "Easter", as the historical day of Jesus' resurrection. -
Religion, a part of the American way of Life.
by Gorbatchov infound this picture on the twitter account and it makes a wider perspective to me.. the jw religion is so part of the american way of life, just like the other religions in the us.. in the jw growth rate country's there is a market for this "better" life.
the religion makes it possible.. western europe had that marketing mix need after world war 2 and maybe a part of the cold war.. see the picture, and you know, the similarities with the jw religion, the change will be in details and not fundamental.. gorby.
The JW religion is so part of the American way of Life, just like the other religions in the US.
I was raised to NOT BE a part of the American way of life. No, participation in govt., armed forces, holidays, friends who were not JW's etc. I can hardly imagine a more Un-American ideology.
I quit the Goodwill :(
by Joliette ini couldnt take seeing people from the kingdom hall.
you guys wouldnt believe how many jehovahs witnesses shop in the goodwill.
i couldnt take it.
Goodwill serves a valuable niche. I have picked up a few things there, I regularly donate stuff there and take the tax deduction.