By anyones standards today, Jesus would be considered a healer, magician, wizard, sorcerer and psychic....... Maybe Jehovah hates magic because he wants to be the only one who can do it. Didn't Jesus free them from those old laws of Jehovah?
If Jesus was God incarnate like he presented himself to be, and as the apostles believed him to be, ie.
1. the angels should worship him
2. He created the heavens and the earth
3. Hebrews Ch. 1 & Rev. Ch. 1
4. He had the authority to forgive sins committed against God, something only God can do
Then, the source of his power was not the occult but from THE SOURCE of all energy, knowledge, wisdom. God rightly asks to acknowledge Him as the only legitimate source of power, and as the one that will teach us to wield this power with responsibility consistent with the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Your comments on the power of words is interesting. I have given a lot of thought to this in recent years. I have come to the conclusion that There is great power in words, not in an occult kind of way, although it could be. And,not necessarily just from a born again child of God.
God spoke the worlds into existence. We are created in his image. Could he have left a vestige of this spoken creativity in the human design? I sense that our words have some effect on possible realities that are coming our way as we pass through space/time ether.
"if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved."