Yes, Genesis, 1-49 is history. period.
not to be taken seriously, proven wrong by research, evidence.
For me, the Genesis account is critical to Christianity. I could not in good conscience call myself a Christian if I did not believe Genesis was true. Jesus affirmed many of the Genesis accounts by quoting and referring to them. If not true, this would make him a liar, a deceiver, and a con artist. His claims of divinity would also be destroyed.
There are libraries of discoveries that flat out contradict materialistic theories of origins but are consistent with a Genesis narrative. In an era where populations are starting to wake up to the realities of "Fake News" a fresh look at the evidence should be high on the to do list.
This is the area I started looking into around 10-12 years ago.
As fascinated as I am about the evidence for Creation as opposed to materialistic theories, I don't live my life in the dust bins and bone yards of history. We all live with real live breathing people. How people react to information is far more fascinating to me than the evidence itself most of the time.
The eminent, evolutionary anthropologist David Pilbeam once stated, "Paleoanthropology reveals more about how humans view themselves than it does how humans came about."