The cult's dogma about their elite (or anyone else apart from Christ) becoming a king, is mind-numbingly false.
JoinedPosts by BoogerMan
The JW governing body are ALREADY priests!
by BoogerMan inhow many jw's are aware they have "priests?".
w02 5/1 p. 16 par.
9 jehovah hates the course of treachery - "comparably, for more than a century now, the anointed brothers of christ, those with the heavenly hope, have served as “a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god.”.
The JW governing body are ALREADY priests!
by BoogerMan inhow many jw's are aware they have "priests?".
w02 5/1 p. 16 par.
9 jehovah hates the course of treachery - "comparably, for more than a century now, the anointed brothers of christ, those with the heavenly hope, have served as “a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to god.”.
How many JW's are aware they have "priests?"
w02 5/1 p. 16 par. 9 Jehovah Hates the Course of Treachery - "Comparably, for more than a century now, the anointed brothers of Christ, those with the heavenly hope, have served as “a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.”
Shucks, I'll bet they wish they were already kings as well!
I never knew of a holy priest who loved Macallan Malt Whisky. Good endorsement for it. :)
It was good enough for C.T. Russell.....
by BoogerMan in....but not for jw's!.
w70 4/15 p. 250 -"in 1870 charles taze russell...was not satisfied with the sectarian [jw's are sectarian] explanations of the bible given him, so he started a bible-study class with several of his friends....".
km 9/07 p. 3 question box - "does “the faithful and discreet slave” endorse independent groups of witnesses who meet together to engage in scriptural research or debate?
REALITY CHECK: Any JW's who openly "ignore the G.B.'s "recommendation" in that Kingdom Ministry, will find themselves being seriously "counselled" by the congregation's wolves. Anyone who thinks otherwise..........
Is Jehovah WITHHOLDING something from Jesus?
by BoogerMan in(matthew 28:18) jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “all authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.. (1 corinthians 15:27) for god “subjected all things under his feet.”.
according to the washtowel, jesus is not going to have all of jehovah's power & authority, because he'll [jesus] need 144,000 dead/resurrected humans to help him run the earth: .
w08 5/15 p. 15 par.
@ Disillusioned JW - The NWT says in Revelation that others will serve as "kings." However, the Greek word βασιλεύς (basileus) does not exclusively translate as 'kings.'
Here are other meanings of the same word: leader of the people, prince, commander, lord of the land.
Psalm 45:16 says, "Instead of Your fathers shall be Your sons, Whom You shall make princes in all the earth."(NKJV) No contradiction then.
As you probably know, Psalm 45 is also in harmony with the correct translation of Revelation 5:10 when it says "upon" the earth as opposed to the NWT claiming "over" the earth.
Is Jehovah WITHHOLDING something from Jesus?
by BoogerMan in(matthew 28:18) jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “all authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.. (1 corinthians 15:27) for god “subjected all things under his feet.”.
according to the washtowel, jesus is not going to have all of jehovah's power & authority, because he'll [jesus] need 144,000 dead/resurrected humans to help him run the earth: .
w08 5/15 p. 15 par.
(Matthew 28:18) Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.
(1 Corinthians 15:27) For God “subjected all things under his feet.”
According to the Washtowel, Jesus is not going to have all of Jehovah's power & authority, because he'll [Jesus] need 144,000 dead/resurrected humans to help him run the earth:
w08 5/15 p. 15 par. 14 - Jehovah has also purposed that 144,000 anointed Christians be taken from the earth and raised to heavenly life as Christ’s joint heirs associated with him in administering earth’s affairs.
It was good enough for C.T. Russell.....
by BoogerMan in....but not for jw's!.
w70 4/15 p. 250 -"in 1870 charles taze russell...was not satisfied with the sectarian [jw's are sectarian] explanations of the bible given him, so he started a bible-study class with several of his friends....".
km 9/07 p. 3 question box - "does “the faithful and discreet slave” endorse independent groups of witnesses who meet together to engage in scriptural research or debate?
....but not for JW's!
w70 4/15 p. 250 -"In 1870 Charles Taze Russell...was not satisfied with the sectarian [JW's are sectarian] explanations of the Bible given him, so he started a Bible-study class with several of his friends...."
km 9/07 p. 3 Question Box - "Does “the faithful and discreet slave” endorse independent groups of Witnesses who meet together to engage in Scriptural research or debate? No, it does not. And yet, in various parts of the world, a few associates [fellow Christians????] of our organization have formed groups to do independent research on Bible-related subjects.”
Latest Watchtower tells THE TRUTH!!
by BoogerMan inthe sheeple have always been indoctrinated to think of themselves as witnesses for jehovah.. but the 8m followers of the jw governing body are now told a biblical truth - that they are witnesses for jesus!.
december 2022 study watchtower, p.21, par.
17 = "one of the primary reasons why satan wages war against god’s people is that they “have the work of bearing witness concerning jesus.” (rev.
The name "Jehovah" doesn't appear to be promoted very much (if at all!) as JW's are led to believe.
Isaiah 62:2 - "... be called by a new name, [Christians] which the very mouth of Jehovah will designate."
Acts 11:26 - "the disciples were by divine providence called Christians."
Matthew 10:18 - ".....for my sake, for a witness to them and the nations.
Mark 13:9 - "......before governors and kings for my sake, for a witness to them."
Luke 24: 47,48 - "....and on the basis of his [Jesus'] name....You are to be witnesses....."
John 1:15 - "John bore witness about him..." [JESUS]
John 5:37 - "the Father who sent me has himself borne witness about me."
John 8:18 - "the Father who sent me bears witness about me."
John 15:26,27 - "the spirit will bear witness about me; and YOU in turn, are to bear witness."
Acts 1:8 - "You will be witnesses of me...."
Acts 4:17,18 - ...upon the basis of this (Jesus') name .... upon the basis of the name of Jesus.
Acts 10:39 - "And we are witnesses of all the things he [Jesus] did..."
Acts 10:43 - "To him [Jesus] all the prophets bear witness....."
Acts 13:31 - "who are now his (Jesus') witnesses to the people.
Acts 22:15 - "because you are to be a witness for him [Jesus] to all men......"
Acts 22:20 - "......the blood of Stephen your [Jesus'] witness was being spilled..."
Acts 23:11 - "..... a thorough witness on the things about me in Jerusalem..."
Acts 26:16 -"I [Jesus]..choose you as an attendant and a witness..respecting me"
Romans 8:16 - "The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit..."
1 Corinthians 1:6 - "even as the witness about the Christ..........."
1 Timothy. 2:6 - "......what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times."
2 Timothy 1:8 - "............of the witness about our Lord.. [Christ]"
1 John 5:9 - "the witness God gives...the fact that he has borne witness concerning his Son."
Revelation 1:9 - "....for speaking about God and bearing witness to Jesus."
Revelation 12:17 - ".......and have the work of bearing witness to Jesus."
Revelation 17:6 - "........and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus."
Revelation 19:10 -".....the work of witnessing to Jesus.... bearing witness to Jesus."
Revelation 20:4 - "............ for the witness they bore to Jesus."
1 Corinthians 1:2 - "....with all who....are calling upon the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ...."
1 Peter 4:14,16 - "If YOU are being reproached for the name of Christ, YOU are happy.... But if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not feel shame......but let him keep on glorifying God in this [Jesus'] name."
John 3:18 - "....he has not exercised faith in the name of the only-begotten Son of God"
Acts 2:38 - " baptized in the name of Jesus Christ...."
Acts 3:6 - "In the name of Jesus Christ the Naz·a·rene´, walk!"
Acts 4:10 - " the name of Jesus Christ the Naz·a·rene......"
Acts 8:16 - ".......been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus."
Acts 9:27 - ".....and how in Damascus he had spoken boldly in the name of Jesus."
Acts 10:48 - "With that he commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
Acts 16:18 - "“I order you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.”
Acts 19:5 - "On hearing this, they got baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus."
For whose name were Christians to witness? (see 29 scriptures above)
For whose name would Christians be hated? (Matt. 10:22)
By whose name were people healed? (Acts 3:6; Acts 4:10)
By whose name were demons expelled? (Luke 10:17; Acts 16:18)
By whose name would people receive Holy Spirit? (John 14:26)
In whose name would people pray to God? (John 15:16)
By whose name would people be named? (Isa. 62:2; Acts 11:26)
By whose name would people be reconciled to God? (Rom. 5:10; 2 Cor. 5:18)
By whose name would people be forgiven their sins? (Matt. 26:28; Acts 2:38; Eph. 1:7)
In whose name would people be judged? (John 5:27)
By whose name would people be resurrected (John 5:28)
In whose name would people be baptized? (Acts 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, 22:16)
In whose name were people to put faith? (John 2:23)
In whose name was Saul/Paul commissioned to preach? (Acts 9:14-16)
For whose name would Christians be reproached? (1 Peter 4:14)
In whose name were Christians to gather together? (Matt. 18:20)
For whose name would Christians make sacrifices? (Matt. 19:29)
For whose name would Christians be persecuted and killed? (Luke 21:12,16,17)
In whose name will every knee in heaven and on earth bend? (Philippians 2:10)
In whose name would people be declared righteous? (1 Cor. 6:11)
By means of whose name would Christians offer a sacrifice of praise? (Hebrews 13:15)
According to the Bible, Christ's name was to be the focus for Christians, not “Jehovah.”
It is curious as well as noteworthy, that the the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses' was changed by the WTBTS when setting up a subsidiary organization in Europe in 2001. The new designation was "The European Association of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses".
The EAJCW is registered as an NGO with the OSCE - a European political/military organization which is subject to the U.N. - in order to attend and participate/lobby in its seminars.
Latest Watchtower tells THE TRUTH!!
by BoogerMan inthe sheeple have always been indoctrinated to think of themselves as witnesses for jehovah.. but the 8m followers of the jw governing body are now told a biblical truth - that they are witnesses for jesus!.
december 2022 study watchtower, p.21, par.
17 = "one of the primary reasons why satan wages war against god’s people is that they “have the work of bearing witness concerning jesus.” (rev.
@ SBF - I prefer to reason on different Bibles, rather than the NWT.
Ignoring the 28 scriptures about witnessing for Jesus is disingenuous. Two of them even say that the holy spirit and God bore witness for him.The NIV expresses your quoted scriptures far better:
Acts 15:14 - Simon has described to us how God first intervened to choose a people for his [Jesus'] name from the Gentiles. (Acts 11:26 - The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch) NIV
Acts 15:17 - that the rest of mankind may seek the Lord, [Jesus] even all the Gentiles who bear my name, [Christians] says the Lord, [Jesus] NIV
Matthew 1:21 - She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he [Jesus] will save his people [Christians] from their sins.”
Latest Watchtower tells THE TRUTH!!
by BoogerMan inthe sheeple have always been indoctrinated to think of themselves as witnesses for jehovah.. but the 8m followers of the jw governing body are now told a biblical truth - that they are witnesses for jesus!.
december 2022 study watchtower, p.21, par.
17 = "one of the primary reasons why satan wages war against god’s people is that they “have the work of bearing witness concerning jesus.” (rev.
The sheeple have always been indoctrinated to think of themselves as witnesses for JEHOVAH.
But the 8m followers of the JW Governing Body are now told a Biblical truth - that they are witnesses for JESUS!
December 2022 Study Watchtower, p.21, par. 17 = "One of the primary reasons why Satan wages war against God’s people is that they “have the work of bearing witness concerning Jesus.” (Rev. 12:17)
A few years ago, a zealous JW went ballistic when I told him that not one scripture tells Christians to witness for Jehovah, while more than two dozen prove they are to be witnesses of Christ. The truth hurts.
No part of the world
by Lost in the fog inthe wt calls itself christian while at the same time insisting that its witnesses don't mix with other christian groups but remain separate.. to be no part of the world.. i was mulling this over recently in my personal bible reading.
in the first century that demarcation would have made sense because apart from your fellow worshippers the rest of mankind were going to be jewish, roman, polytheistic, pagan, or (i guess much like today) didn't really care.. christians had no worries about meeting up with other people who believed in jesus the same as they did even if there were minor differences depending on who had first taught the gospel message to them.
but nowadays there's not just one christian group against the world, there's lots of "christians" out there.
@ joao - Mark 9:38-40