Didn't Peter say that God is not
partial? (Acts 10:34) The 'fartful slave' in Warwick disagrees!
8/15 p. 24 par. 7 Jehovah—“The God Who Gives Peace” - The
provision of the ransom makes it possible for anointed
Christians, who “have been declared righteous” as sons of God, to
peace with God.” (but the other sheep' don't)
1/15 p. 5 Why Dedicate Yourself to The Borg Jehovah? - Jesus’
“other sheep” (riff-raff) will not become sons of God
until the end of the thousand years.
2/15 p. 9 par. 20 - Faithful
Christians have been adopted by Jehovah and are “sons of God.” (but not you 'other sheep' trash) They already
have an intimate relationship with Jehovah as his children because
exercise faith in Christ and wholeheartedly worship “the God of
love and of peace.” (and 8m + 'other sheep' don't? How silly of them!)
1/15 p. 21 par. 8 - Anointed Christians are
declared righteous because they exercise faith
in Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. (and
8m + 'other sheep' don't?
How silly of them, yet again!)