ws chap. 8 p. 67 par. 5 - In 1919 the anointed disciples of the reigning King, Jesus Christ, did enter into an approved condition
March p. 31 - Ezekiel 37:1-14 and Revelation
11:7-12 each speak of a spiritual restoration that took place in
March p. 29 par. 2 - All the evidence*
indicates that this captivity ended in 1919 when anointed
Christians were gathered into the restored congregation.
w16 July p. 31 - From 1919, God’s people were gradually reorganized and reunited to serve as “one flock.” (Gradually???? Why did it take Jehovah & Christ 16 years to do the job?)
yb12 p. 112 - “How excited Jehovah’s Witnesses were in 1935 when the identity of the “great crowd”...was made clear. God’s people were delighted to learn that worshippers who hope to live on a paradise earth could join the anointed remnant as dedicated servants of Jehovah.”
yb93 p. 96 Denmark - In August 1935, two issues of The Watchtower in English explained that the “great crowd” of Revelation chapter 7 was an earthly class that was to be gathered before Armageddon.
* I'd love to hear a JW try to offer one piece of Bible evidence to back up this fairy tale!