I stand by what I said over 2 weeks ago -
"The propaganda machine instilled fear & panic into the population about the new* bogey-man. *Remember the old bogey-men?: SARS, MERS, H1NI, (swine 'flu) H5N1, (bird 'flu) EBOLA. If at first.." https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5757226479255552/people-england-were-easiy-convinced-believe?page=2
I'll add to it: I don't believe for one second that China acted alone in the modification of the SARS Cov2 virus, or its "accidental release."
As with iraq's WMD's, 9/11, & Brexit, Covid 9 with its sinister political and social repercussions has polarised opinions.