Very open, diverse, and interesting thoughts on a profound and personal question.
I've never expressed my (bound to be unpopular) thoughts on the subject to anyone before, but here goes:
Prayer demonstrates hope & faith in God Almighty's promises in the scriptures. Those promises assure us that dead loved ones will be resurrected, and all the evils & suffering people have endured will be wiped out & forgotten - and replaced with an eternal life on earth which will be beyond comparison with what we experience now. (Psalm 37:9,10,29: Matthew 5:5; Rev. 21:3,4) Christ Jesus told Christians to pray for that time to come. (Matt. 6:10) The apostle Paul said the scriptures gave us instruction, endurance, hope & comfort. (Rom. 15:4)
Having a faith in these promises - along with agreement with Peter's statement that God is not partial - I do not believe that God answers anyone's prayers for personal needs, other than to endure trials of our faith.
Prayers regarding health, financial, or material needs etc. are not answered for anyone now, otherwise, it's like saying "God favored me and answered my prayers, but you...tough!"