(1 Corinthians 9:18) "That when I declare the good news, I may offer the good news without cost,...."
Yup, a joke - which is anything but funny.
(1 corinthians 9:18) "that when i declare the good news, i may offer the good news without cost,....".
yup, a joke - which is anything but funny..
(1 Corinthians 9:18) "That when I declare the good news, I may offer the good news without cost,...."
Yup, a joke - which is anything but funny.
maybe this has been discussed in the past and i wasn't here... what do you think?
are the gb members knowingly pulling a con, or do they have delusions of grandeur?
i will go out on a limb here to say that i think they are con artist.
Bottom line: they're all 'company men' in a multi-billion dollar business who have gained status and power on the Christianity gravy-train.
None of them can have a conscience worth a damn, because they must know many/most of the org's false teachings and corrupt practices.
They're nothing more than front-men who have lackeys to write all the literature articles. Parasitic puppets, living the good life thanks to the sheeples' donations. (Matthew 6:5) Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full.
i thought it was in 1914. silly me!.
w78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
You might be right Sea Breeze. No, hold on -
w51 5/1 p. 283 - Jehovah became King in 1914 when he placed his appointed king, Christ Jesus, upon his heavenly throne as his kingly representative,
w60 5/15 p. 311 - That 1914 indeed marks the year Jehovah became King is conclusively proved by the voices in heaven that John in his apocalyptic vision heard:
w87 7/1 p. 21 par. 2 - One such awakening began soon after Jesus became King in 1914.
w89 4/1 p. 11 par. 6 - It indicates that it applies primarily to “the Lord’s day,” which began when Jesus became King in 1914.
w92 11/15 p. 22 par. 18 - Christ became King in 1914.
w93 11/1 p. 23 par. 23 - In 1914, Jesus—the heavenly warrior Michael—became King of God’s heavenly Kingdom.
w95 10/15 p. 22 par. 22 - Jesus became King in 1914.
w06 9/15 p. 3 - Jesus Christ became King in heaven in the year 1914.
w11 7/1 p. 17 - Jesus became King in 1914
w12 8/1 p. 17 - Events since 1914 confirm that Jesus became King in that year.
w13 7/15 p. 6 par. 11 - It was noted that Jesus became King of God’s Kingdom in 1914
The WT CD ROM will haunt them till they die!
i thought it was in 1914. silly me!.
w78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
I thought it was in 1914. Silly me!
w78 3/1 p. 18 par. 15 - When was God’s Son made a King-Priest like Melchizedek? This was 40 days after his resurrection from the dead, when he ascended to heaven.
p. 711 - Upon his ascension to heaven, he was seated at God’s
right hand, (as king???) waiting until his enemies would be placed as
a stool for his feet. He also became a priest according to the manner
of Melchizedek. (wasn't he a king–priest???)
no wonder they 'cancelled' the wt cd rom.. flip -.
w61 7/15 p. 420 - “...in order to hate what is bad a christian must hate the person with whom the badness is inseparably linked.” .
flop -.
No wonder they 'cancelled' the WT CD ROM.
w61 7/15 p. 420 - “...in order to hate what is bad a Christian must hate the person with whom the badness is inseparably linked.”
w11 12/1 p. 25 - “We should therefore hate what is bad but not the person who does what is bad.”
i need your opinion and a discussion...tell me what you think, both pros and cons...the governments of norway and russia have both targeted watchtower's severely inhumane policy of disfellowship separating and isolating members by ostracizing them and labeling them as 'mentally diseased", etc.
dis fellowship.is a mushy concept unfamiliar to non-jw's.that word doesn't convey brutal, cold, and uncaring shunning and the impact on vulnerable persons cut off from family and friends.i propose swapping the phrase "religious apartheid" for the term "disfellowship" because it is significantly more impactful, familiar, and gut-wrenching.jw's teach practice and promote discrimination, opprobrium, and animus in punishing by isolation those who disagree with their doctrines.
moreover - it is a de facto death sentence both spiritually and (according to the expectation of armageddon) literally as well.
Maybe we should direct JW's to read this Question Box revelation:
w06 2/15 p. 31 - "Finally, Jesus explained that if a person addresses another, “You despicable fool!” he would be liable to the fiery Gehenna. What, then, did the expression “despicable fool” signify? It designates a person as morally worthless, an apostate and a rebel against God. So the person addressing his fellow as a “despicable fool” is as much as saying that his brother should receive a punishment fit for a rebel against God, everlasting destruction. From God’s standpoint, the one uttering such a condemnation against another could merit that severe sentence—everlasting destruction—himself."
If a JW falsely slanders someone of being an apostate, they're condemning themselves.
Apostasy and heresy are not the same - the cult should educate themselves.
i feel like there may be some old jw friends that i could call- they may not know i left jw- but somehow i am not inclined to.
i would have to play a game with them...i feel like i have nothing in common with them anymore.
i feel like if i did talk to them, i would want to tell them they have been duped and that will go over like a wet balloon.
I feel for all those friends who are still blinded - just as I was by the cult at one time.
I can't judge the average JW in congregations. I'd willingly wager that I was far more zealous than most of them, in both my field service hours and my reverence of the org.
As for those who dictate to the sheeple - from elders up to the G.B. - they know what they're doing is vile.
in the november 2022 study watchtower, "jehovah's organization" (or variants) is repeated at least 37 times.. the word 'organization' - like 'governing body,' 'trinity,' hell-fire,' & 'immortal soul,' - doesn't exist in the holy scriptures.. interestingly, jesus christ is mentioned only twice in all of the study articles - as an aside..
In the November 2022 Study Watchtower, "Jehovah's organization" (or variants) is repeated at least 37 times.
The word 'organization' - like 'governing body,' 'trinity,' hell-fire,' & 'immortal soul,' - doesn't exist in the holy Scriptures.
Interestingly, Jesus Christ is mentioned only twice in all of the study articles - as an aside.
confessing to a crime lands a person in jail or worse.
there is a very interesting out of context commentary in a law book under the topic that describes the role of a child advocate that explains how humans intrinsically want and need to be free at all costs without encumbrances.
(in germany for example, the government recognizes this basic need and doesn't penalize jail escapes.
(Matthew 6:14, 15) “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; 15 whereas if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
(2 Peter 3:9) "Jehovah.....desires all to attain to repentance."Seems pretty clear exactly who a Christian should confess their sins to and ask for forgiveness.
Haven't found a scripture yet which says a Christian should ask 3 elders for forgiveness - still looking!