@ blondie: not just governments, every Christian and their respective denomination/church are Satan's sons:
w94 1/15 pp. 14-15 pars. 21-22 - "During the time of the end of this system of things, there was to be a separating of true Christians from false Christians. This happened in 1919. In 1919 the Christian congregation (aka WTBTS/JW's) once again existed as a separate “nation.” A theocratic “land” was indeed born as in one day! As the time of the end progressed, the organization of this new nation was adjusted to bring it as close as possible to what existed in the first century. 22 Are you associated with this theocracy?"
w91 12/1 p. 14 par. 19 Breaking Free From False Religion - "The August 15, 1951, issue of The Watchtower stated: “None should feel upset by the use of the term ‘religion’. Because we use it does not put us in the class of the tradition-bound false religions, no more than does the calling of ourselves Christians put us in with the false Christians of Christendom."
w81 3/1 p. 26 - "However, an “enemy” (the Devil) was represented as sowing “weeds” (“the sons of the wicked one,” or false Christians)
w66 9/15 p. 555 par. 7 - "The clergy of Christendom have dominated the world stage of false religion and as the “man of lawlessness” have cultivated symbolic “weeds” or false Christians."