A prominent evangelical on TV recently stated that World War 3 will be here within the next 5 years - unless there's a huge resurgence worldwide in Christianity.
In other words, more financial contributors to his denomination.
it took 117 days in 1914 from when uranus and jupiter met on march 4, till the start of ww i on june 28,1914.. another conjunction today; 117 days from today is aug.16, 2024.. .
A prominent evangelical on TV recently stated that World War 3 will be here within the next 5 years - unless there's a huge resurgence worldwide in Christianity.
In other words, more financial contributors to his denomination.
amazing new light in the latest morning worship by gary breaux.
the gb "never lie or deceive us.
we can have absolute trust in the governing body".. he then makes a very helpful point, so as to avoid being deceived and avoid lies.
Hey Gary, your Governing Body told 3 lies regarding just one Scipture.
The evil slave is alive & kicking - in the JW HQ.
w10 4/15 p. 11 par. 17 - "How will Jehovah use his holy spirit in the coming new world? That spirit will be the force behind the new scrolls that will be opened at that time. (Rev. 20:12) What will these contain? Evidently, Jehovah’s detailed requirements for us during the thousand years."
Nowhere in the scripture does it say "new" scrolls.
Nowhere in the scripture does it say that the scrolls contain "new teachings" or "detailed requirements" - they contain judgements.
Nowhere in the scripture does it say the scrolls are opened during the millennium. Verses 1-10 show that the scrolls are opened after Satan is destroyed.
go listen to the opening verse of the smallest man who ever lived..
The persecution of "Jehovah's people" (not Christians) has begun!
“melchizedek, king of salem, priest of the most high god”.
unique features of melchizedek’s priesthood .
5. jesus, “a priest forever in the manner of melchizedek” .
It says this:
4. “Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God”
Unique features of Melchizedek’s priesthood
5. Jesus, “a priest forever in the manner of Melchizedek”
Jesus is given the supreme accolade as being a king/priest like Melchizedek, but even greater - for eternity!
If I was one of the 144,000 JW wannabe Melchizedek types, I'd be pretty peeved that I wasn't even hinted at!
C'mon WTBTS/Evil slave - your Writing Committee needs to get its act together.
when i was in my prime, there was a time when i was surrounded by beautiful young women!.
but i managed to escape before any of them managed to land a punch or kick me..
When I was in my prime, there was a time when I was surrounded by beautiful young women!
But I managed to escape before any of them managed to land a punch or kick me.
watchtower august 15th 1935 - "...the greatest of all tribulations mentioned in the scriptures must come after the great multitude appears and must be that which is mentioned by christ jesus as “tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time.” that tribulation period began with the “day of jehovah”, to wit, in 1914, when the war started against satan’s organization in heaven, and reaches the great climax at the time of the battle of armageddon, the great day of god almighty.
110 years - and counting!.
other denominations claim the great tribulation is only going to last for 7 years.
Watchtower August 15th 1935 - "...the greatest of all tribulations mentioned in the Scriptures must come after the great multitude appears and must be that which is mentioned by Christ Jesus as “tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time.” That tribulation period began with the “day of Jehovah”, to wit, in 1914, when the war started against Satan’s organization in heaven, and reaches the great climax at the time of the battle of Armageddon, the great day of God Almighty."
110 years - and counting!
Other denominations claim the great tribulation is only going to last for 7 years.
now that some reasonably big changes have occurred in a short time frame, whats next?
will the gb let the dust settle for a bit, or will they keep dropping bombs this year?.
"Word on the streets" seem to indicate that the org's chariot is speeding up and will issue more "adjustments" in 2024. If so, the Guardians Of Doctrine (GODS) will almost certainly not do so until the Annual Meeting in October.
I suspect (and hope!) that many KH's are going to experience either silent or vocal dissensions & fall-outs, resulting in serious schisms.
It's a common occurrence these days for families & close friendships to end when opposite views are expressed, e.g. Brexit, Scottish independence, plandemics & experimental jabs, so I'd expect the JW-world to follow suit.
"the watch tower society does not file any publicly accessible financial figures.".
if so, are american charities totally free from scrutiny by the authorities & donors?.
"The Watch Tower Society does not file any publicly accessible financial figures."
If so, are American charities totally free from scrutiny by the authorities & donors?
june 2024 study watchtower p. 3, par.
5 - "he promises to make “a covenant of peace with them.” that prophecy points to a time when those who have a heavenly hope and those who have an earthly hope will be united under his figurative tent as “one flock.” (john 10:16) that time is now!".
i thought the bible said there was only "one hope...one faith.
June 2024 Study Watchtower p. 3, par. 5 - "He promises to make “a covenant of peace with them.” That prophecy points to a time when those who have a heavenly hope and those who have an earthly hope will be united under his figurative tent as “one flock.” (John 10:16) That time is now!"
I thought the Bible said there was only "one hope...one faith." (Ephesians 4:4-6)
June 2024 Study Watchtower p. 3, par. 5 p. 10 par. 6 - "He will reward us with eternal friendship “if we do not tire out.”
Not son-ship?
June 2024 Study Watchtower p. 12 par. 14 - "Hence, we should reject only those whom Jehovah finds “contemptible.” This includes those who...disrespect our....beliefs."
So if anyone points out some of the JW false teachings, Jehovah - God Almighty thinks such people are “contemptible?”
I challenge anyone to count the the number of times "Jehovah" is mentioned throughout this issue. I've never seen any publication saturated with it like this!
is it this "enjoy life forever - interactive study guide"?
is there a second book also?
Water-SHIPPED Down - followed by Disfellow-SHIPPED down.