New light: the GB are infallible

by AEnEm 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AEnEm

    Amazing new light in the latest morning worship by Gary Breaux. The GB "never lie or deceive us. We can have absolute trust in the Governing Body".

    He then makes a very helpful point, so as to avoid being deceived and avoid lies. "Look for the zero, any component in a statement or teaching that cancels out a bible truth".

    How about this one:

    Psalm 146.3

    "Do not put your trust in princes

    Nor in a son of man, who cannot bring salvation".

    Thanks Gary, you just helped 8 million people see that the GB lie and are not to be trusted. Great talk!

  • wannaexit

    Where did you find this info?

  • AEnEm

    His video is on jw.borg (scroll to the bottom and click on "videos"). It's the latest one. Look now before they pull it! Hope someone downloads it for youtube. Not even my most PIMI family members would agree to have "absolute trust" in the GB (gangrenous body).

  • Gorb

    This is not conform what the GB said earlier. They stated that they "don't no anything".


  • AEnEm

    Sorry what do you mean by that Gorb? Is there a specific quote? Thanks

  • BoogerMan

    Hey Gary, your Governing Body told 3 lies regarding just one Scipture.

    The evil slave is alive & kicking - in the JW HQ.

    w10 4/15 p. 11 par. 17 - "How will Jehovah use his holy spirit in the coming new world? That spirit will be the force behind the new scrolls that will be opened at that time. (Rev. 20:12) What will these contain? Evidently, Jehovah’s detailed requirements for us during the thousand years."

    Nowhere in the scripture does it say "new" scrolls.

    Nowhere in the scripture does it say that the scrolls contain "new teachings" or "detailed requirements" - they contain judgements.

    Nowhere in the scripture does it say the scrolls are opened during the millennium. Verses 1-10 show that the scrolls are opened after Satan is destroyed.

  • AEnEm

    Boom! Nice one BoogerMan.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    The video is entitled: "Protect Yourself From Misinformation"

    At timestamp 8:00 Gary B states something to the effect:

    "Our Governing Body never lie or deceive us...we can have absolute trust in our Governing Body..."

    In essence Gary B himself Is lying, implying that the G B never put out misinformation!

  • AEnEm

    And he must know that, so it's lying (not just accidental misinformation)

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Good find AEnEm!

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