I think the Elderette needs to be pistol whipped but that won't happen as she is wearing her husbands BALLS.
i am liking don's term "captive to a concept" more and more, it explains so much about the mindset of average dubs.. to those who are being activily shunned, how does it affect you when you see former friends and family, do the sideway's crab-walk to get away?
you are not alone, shunning is happening to weaker witnesses in the congregations, this practice is not sanctioned by the watchtower society, this trait is straight from satan the devil, it pure evil and cruel!
as i post, this new trait is being taught to the power player's apprentices, teaching them how to do the "weak witnesses exit stage left!
I think the Elderette needs to be pistol whipped but that won't happen as she is wearing her husbands BALLS.
in the video you see his arrogant mom wearing pants around the house.....well later that sunday distracted by the days events, she went to the meeting in pants and was pulled over by two elders in the hall library!!!!.
elder brownose: "hello sister thanks for meeting us.".
calebs mom: "oh what a great talk you gave today.
Witness 007: I like your re-make. You definitely won't see Any woman wearing pants to meetings. And if she was brazen by not obeying she Will be disfellowshiped for sure.
is sparlock, the creation of the wtb&ts, going to do what satan was unable to do?
in bringing down the wtb&ts ?
sparkling sparlocks!!
SPARLOCK is SATANS sidekick. They are okay with me.
would they refuse the transfusion?
or come up with a "new understanding" that you can accept blood in certain situations?.
btw as you can see this is my first post so hi.
Keep: forgive me for being rude. WELCOME ABOARD!!!!!
i'll always remember this issue of the awake warning jw parents about comic books and why they were so dangerous.. the cover had a kid on the front sitting indian-style reading a comic book, wide-eyed and smiling.
came out in the early 1980's.. i'll always remember it because it screwed up one of my favorite past-times: i was around 13 years old and a hardcore collector.. after this article, it was a continual tug-o-war with my dad over comics....and it lasted until i was 18 and moved out.. .
here's what was telling about that article:.
Unlearn: The BORG always tries to take away everything fun from kids. It's a shame we had to sacrifice our pleasures for a worthless CULT.
jw media are pleased to inform us ........ http://www.jw-media.org/arm/20120605.htm?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter.
NVR2L8: Because as you already know we speak the truth about their corruption.
the bible account of job is interesting to me in a lot of ways.
one job is not apart of isreal so his family and lineage cant really be traced hes just like some folk hero and how did he find out about jehovah?
and have more faith than all his people?
Another thought is that his children being replaced is like your dog dying and Jehovah saying go pick out another kid job. What kind of B.S. is that
the bible account of job is interesting to me in a lot of ways.
one job is not apart of isreal so his family and lineage cant really be traced hes just like some folk hero and how did he find out about jehovah?
and have more faith than all his people?
In the account of job did you notice that Satan didn't kill his nagging wife? The one person that should have been replaced with a more subjectionable woman who didn't give him grief. job should have been allowed to kill his wife and get a newer model. And bring back the original children.
would they refuse the transfusion?
or come up with a "new understanding" that you can accept blood in certain situations?.
btw as you can see this is my first post so hi.
Let's pray to Thor that all governing body members will need blood within the next twenty four hour period.
i was scared stiff of the demons all of my life growing up as a jw.
you know the stories.
i am way more open minded now that i have been out for 3 years or so.
Greybeard: I've seen that before. The one I saw was a car driving down this long winding road for about a minute, and then the red clown face popped up screeming. Scared the crap out of me.