Hi all,
I had a hard time finding all 16 bible names in the following brain teaser...take a look!
>There are names of sixteen books of the Bible mentioned in the paragraph
below. See how many you can find. A pastor once found fifteen of the books
in twenty minutes then took two weeks to find the last one! How long will
it take you?
>I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu;
kept people looking so hard for facts . . . and for others it was a
revelation. Some were in a jam, especially since the names of the books
were not capitalized. But the truth finally struck home to numbers of our
readers. To others it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating
few moments for you. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to spot.
Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually
takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations
when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can
concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, for there
really are sixteen names of books of the Bible in this paragraph.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada