I found my copy of the letter the society sent to the German government back in the 30s. But instead of posting the lengthy letter here, I'll just point everyone that's interested to Kent's website where he's gone a step further by posting:
1. The English translation of the letter
2. The original German text of the letter
3. Scans of the actual letter sent to the German government.
One other thing that jumped out at me when I read this letter was the WTS reason for why several of its members where put in jail in the US in the 1910s.
In the letter to the German government, they say that they were put in jail because they weren't bowing to pressure from the US government to print anti-German propaganda in their magazines! Wow...
To the rank and file members, the WTS says that they were put in jail because the religious leaders forced the government to do that...and that later they were freed and completely exonerated. As Nero Wolfe says...phoooey!
But, the official court records (available in the US under the freedom to information act) paint a very very different picture as to the real reason they were put in jail...and also why they were actually released.
Peter Stride
Toronto, Canada