Boy some people are so polite here! Welcome to the board Irenaeus.
JoinedPosts by petespal2002
all sex and nothing to show for it!!!!!!!!!!
by petespal2002 inreading the thred on vasectomy got me musing; if we were put on earth to populate it, and given sex organs purely for this purpose, what about all the jw's who 'sacrifice' having a family so they can 'do more' in the service.
would it not be improper to use your sex organs purely for pleasure, or do they give up having sex as well?
Dr. Kelly found dead.
by Stan Conroy inplease check out this link..
notice the part closer to the bottom, where dr. kelly e-mailed someone and stated that he was looking forward to getting back to work.
seems like an odd thing to say if you are planning to kill yourself.
Interesting how the PM is relieved to hear Dr. Kelly definatley was the source, now he can't defend himself!
Jehovahs Witness Logical Fallacies.pt1
by Brummie injehovahs witness logical fallacies.pt1.
in fact, many of the bad experiences people have with jws are caused by actions that the society does not encourage.. .
logan i have started a new thread simply because if a jw read your old one they may be happy enough not go back to reread this if it was posted there.. one of the things that kept me holding on to the jw faith was the thought that many of the bad experiences people have with jws are caused by actions the soceity does not encourage.
I think I see what you are getting at and the points you are making. A big question must be, are ex-JW's trying to get current members to leave and follow them (not 'them' as in following men, but as in their general example of leaving the society)? If this is the case then one must weigh ones words carefully. Sweeping generalisations such as you mentioned are not going to have any effect. As they themselves say, attacking someones deep seated and long held belief systems without offering any form of replacement or support network aint going to work!
The fact that elders can vary so widely from place to place in their treatment of a similar situation surely points to personal culpability, not one that can be laid on the GB's doorstep. I faced a judicial comittee where one elder told the chairman 'stop behaving like an elder and act like a human.' Does that therefore mean that it is the eldership that causes the problems, as if by laying downa figurative mantle totally different things would occur? Or does the actions caused by that mantle stem from the flawed human beneath?
Can a witness receive a massage?
by JH in.
just wondering if witnesses are aloud to go and receive a massage and be touched by other than their spouse?
i'm talking about a normal clean massage here, don't get me wrong.. .
Congregations have all sorts of stupid rules, going well beyond the things written. In on a 15 year affair was 'overlooked' as the sister in question was 'so faithful' otherwise!!!!!!!!!!!
all sex and nothing to show for it!!!!!!!!!!
by petespal2002 inreading the thred on vasectomy got me musing; if we were put on earth to populate it, and given sex organs purely for this purpose, what about all the jw's who 'sacrifice' having a family so they can 'do more' in the service.
would it not be improper to use your sex organs purely for pleasure, or do they give up having sex as well?
More sex! Excellent!!
But what of those who believe sex is for babies?
Oh my God!! 8 people killed in Santa Monica farmers market
by Dogpatch inoccasionally i go with friends to visit the santa monica farmer's market, and it is a good area to hang out in the summer in the evening.
some 80 year old man just plowed through the crowd in a car for 2.5 blocks and ran over 8 people, injuring about 30+ others.
a two-year old baby was killed.
It's so sad, but probably there is no apparent reason for it. But then again, is there a reason for all the loss of life in Iraq, or was President Bush "confused."
all sex and nothing to show for it!!!!!!!!!!
by petespal2002 inreading the thred on vasectomy got me musing; if we were put on earth to populate it, and given sex organs purely for this purpose, what about all the jw's who 'sacrifice' having a family so they can 'do more' in the service.
would it not be improper to use your sex organs purely for pleasure, or do they give up having sex as well?
Reading the thred on vasectomy got me musing; if we were put on earth to populate it, and given sex organs purely for this purpose, what about all the JW's who 'sacrifice' having a family so they can 'do more' in the service. Would it not be improper to use your sex organs purely for pleasure, or do they give up having sex as well?
Horny Old Dogs
by Robdar ini have been in communication with an epicopalian priest through yahoo personals.
he lives in south kansas but comes to this area often.
i met him yesterday at barnes and noble.
I'd be in the front row of his church with a Bible open to Rev. 21:6,7 that ought to do it!
yesterday's Drama
by sandy ini am a little afraid this post will be a dead giveaway to who i am.
i am afraid of lurkers.
anyhow i am dying to get it off my chest and get some advice.
It sounds as if your niece is worried about the reaction from the elders. Is this because of the effect she knows it will have on her mom, or is she concerned about what may happen to her? There is a strong chance the situation would lead to her being 'marked'. This happened to a girl in our cong. some time back. and was one of the most embarrassing situations I have ever come across. The marking talk itself was enough to make her suicidal, even though she knew the man she was with was worth hanging on to, (they have since married), the public humilaition in front of long-time friends was devastating.
In my case I was dating a man classed as 'weak', so you can imagine! I was repeatedly counselled to stop seeing him,which I never did. My mom was beside herself and made it difficult for us to be together, which was heartbreaking at times as we were so close. However, to cut a long story short, it worked out in the end. My determination to keep my boyfriend was clear, and if I was not able to marry him I intimated we would live together. Needless to say that scenario was hideous and so we were married, in the KH (but that's another story.)
Tell your niece to hang on in there.
Jehovah is disappointed in ALL OF YOU!
by Nosferatu injust thought i'd give a kindly reminder that jehovah's pretty pissed off with you all.
hope you're all having a great day!
safely agree with that.