Ps. great to see you around Hamas
some late news just in....
a smiling defense secretary donald rumsfeld told the world's media at the pentagon today that it has been confirmed that a massive cache of pea shooters of the type pictured below have been unearthed near mosul in the north of iraq.
also, in an unpopulated region close to the syrian border, us troops discovered large fields designed to supply the ammunition for these weapons, i..e. peas.
Ps. great to see you around Hamas
have you ever had a secret online affair?
did it result in the breakup of your previous relationship?
was it worth it?.
'Brother' in my old congregation used, uses just the same line of reasoning to justify online friendships with the opposite sex. At least he did in the beginning, as the reasoning led him to 'real time' women. His wife stays with him basically to persecute/punish him. She knows he wants her to use his infidelity as a reason to leave him and stay within jw teaching herself, so she will not! Ever! Period! So what should he do? Leave her in the end and put himself 'in the wrong' so to speak? What a situation!!!!!!!!!!!
scientists say prayers work .
james gooder
why shouldn't prayers work?
i had an uncomfortable experience yesterday.
i was in a barnes and noble bookstore when nature called, so i walk into the men's' room.
there are two stalls - one for wheelchair access, and one regular one.
I think you did just the right thing and showed a lot of guts in the process. It is a difficult situation for a parent of either sex to be in, but better the little girl be with her daddy, than be outside the stall where a true pervert may enter. What a world we live in.
i have recently found out that my highschool diploma is no good.. so, now i'm enrolled in a ged course so i can have that to get into the program.
the problem is, they can't hold my position, they have to give it to someone else.
i can reapply next year, but who know's if there will be any positions open then.. this is so humiliating and embarassing, i'm 34 and i find out from someone else my diploma is no good, worse yet, i have to get a ged.
Best of luck on your qualification.
It is a little different here in the UK with many parents opting to remove thier offspring from the school system and educate them at home. By law the children are not yet required to sit GCSE final exams, but they must if they want to stand a chance in getting on in the world. Parents can also choose or decline to have an OFSTED inspection.
so, what the heck is a sin against the holy spirit that cannot be forgiven?
they never had a clear answer in the whole time that i was in the cult..... what is it?
any ideaz?
Knowingly going against it's leadings, as told by the FDS. Such as coming on an apostate website when one should know better!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've been trying to get some information to clarify the above question.. we know the change in the 1914 generation teaching that occurred, in 1995.. what i want to know is do any of the anointed live through armageddon.. or according to jw teaching will they have all been taken to heaven before then.. i seem to remember back in 1995 when i was a jw having to review, with an elder, the district convention where the change on the "generation" was first put forward.. when discussing what we were going to say the elder asked what i thought the change meant.
i said it looks like that the all "anointed" would be in heaven before armageddon happens.
he agreed thats what he thought as well.. if anyone can give me some wt references to that thought, i would be grateful.
The current thought appears to be that some will still be around at the start of the great tribulation, but as that lasts for an unspecified period of time, will all be in heaven to have a share with Christ during Armageddon
as i was growing up in the troof.
there were sayings used over and over again to control my behaviour.
the biblical on bad associations spoil useful habits and another on just because everyone else does it doesnt mean you have to do it to, would you jump off a cliff just because other people do what were the sayings that bugged you?
reading the thred on vasectomy got me musing; if we were put on earth to populate it, and given sex organs purely for this purpose, what about all the jw's who 'sacrifice' having a family so they can 'do more' in the service.
would it not be improper to use your sex organs purely for pleasure, or do they give up having sex as well?
Why should the female orgasm have evolved latterly? Isn't it more like women only realised it was there at about the same time they got the vote?
Saw a show on TV shsowing how drs in early 1900's treated 'hysterical' women with vibrators to bring them to orgasm. For most it was the first they had ever had. Hysteria took an upturn. Are anti-depressents an improvement in the treatment. Fancy having to visit the dr for an orgasm on prescription!!!!!!!!!!!!
reading the thred on vasectomy got me musing; if we were put on earth to populate it, and given sex organs purely for this purpose, what about all the jw's who 'sacrifice' having a family so they can 'do more' in the service.
would it not be improper to use your sex organs purely for pleasure, or do they give up having sex as well?