Can you still pray as a form of comfort, or have you no belief?
i consider all who post here as my family.we have all been hurt in some way.my brother died today.. blueblades,who has six sisters left.mom,dad,one sister and two brothers died.i'm the only man in the family now.
Can you still pray as a form of comfort, or have you no belief?
by how many people
even more so how many people you meet here and after getting a chance to know them, learn they know some of the very same people you do?
(for example i met a woman here on the board whom i have never met personally but she knows some people that i grew up, even the 'brother' who gave me my first kiss..
none as of yet
yes, i know....there've been topics started discussed about ebay.. i've had an absolute blast with it as of recent.. what have i bought lately?.
a yellow dial telephone in excellent condition (from manitoba).
several 45's (vinyl records).. i'm amazed at what you can find on there.
I'm after a Cary Grant autograph
i get insomnia a lot and i know others on here do as well.
that is very common place for me.
tonight though, my back slid out just before i went to sleep.
I listen to music. Last night workmen arrived to work on nearby rail junction, holy hell in way of noise from 12pm to 3am. Makes the next day difficult.
i'm wondering, if jesus was on earth today, what would he be teaching, and would we believe it , or would we set up a website to discuss his thoughts?
And would he call us to follow him, and would said followers have to preach?
ok, if you have belief in the teachings of demonized objects than my photo attachments should confirm your beliefs.
if you do not believe than please explain my photos as so many sciences have tried and failed.
this is not a trick and the transformations are real and this carved rock is of unknown form, very high density, harder than jadeite and has been dated to pre 17th century or older.
I'm stumped. The rock is meant to be changing from what to what?
i'm wondering, if jesus was on earth today, what would he be teaching, and would we believe it , or would we set up a website to discuss his thoughts?
But what about prophesy? Would he talk about the end of a system, and if so, what system?
i'm wondering, if jesus was on earth today, what would he be teaching, and would we believe it , or would we set up a website to discuss his thoughts?
I'm wondering, if Jesus was on earth today, what would he be teaching, and would we believe it , or would we set up a website to discuss his thoughts?
ok, if you have belief in the teachings of demonized objects than my photo attachments should confirm your beliefs.
if you do not believe than please explain my photos as so many sciences have tried and failed.
this is not a trick and the transformations are real and this carved rock is of unknown form, very high density, harder than jadeite and has been dated to pre 17th century or older.
So what Am I looking at? Don't make sense to me.
ok, if you have belief in the teachings of demonized objects than my photo attachments should confirm your beliefs.
if you do not believe than please explain my photos as so many sciences have tried and failed.
this is not a trick and the transformations are real and this carved rock is of unknown form, very high density, harder than jadeite and has been dated to pre 17th century or older.
wooo spooky! Where they go?????????