Thanks slipnslide! Read & printed off. Gonna make some noise w/this one myself!!!! That'll give those gossipy ole elder ladies something to talk about this weekend!!!!
You guys are all so wonderful!!!!!! [:0]
jw women have a greater need than jw men to stay ever vigilant and attentive of the watchtower's back and forth rules and regulations which they have the nerve to teach is "new light" from god.
if a jw woman is raped, she may actually face disfellowshipping from the body of elders who will interrogate her soon after the crime has occurred and will listen with the utmost attention to every little detail.
depending on the "new light" from the governing body, if she doesn't scream during a rape, she will be charged by the elders as an adulteress ... someone who may have actually 'enjoyed' the violent act because of her silence.
Thanks slipnslide! Read & printed off. Gonna make some noise w/this one myself!!!! That'll give those gossipy ole elder ladies something to talk about this weekend!!!!
You guys are all so wonderful!!!!!! [:0]
jw women have a greater need than jw men to stay ever vigilant and attentive of the watchtower's back and forth rules and regulations which they have the nerve to teach is "new light" from god.
if a jw woman is raped, she may actually face disfellowshipping from the body of elders who will interrogate her soon after the crime has occurred and will listen with the utmost attention to every little detail.
depending on the "new light" from the governing body, if she doesn't scream during a rape, she will be charged by the elders as an adulteress ... someone who may have actually 'enjoyed' the violent act because of her silence.
oops - duh - sorry for above posts - it took a second read to see the literature (i'z tired!). Thanks for this cyrano - its an anwer to my prayers!
jw women have a greater need than jw men to stay ever vigilant and attentive of the watchtower's back and forth rules and regulations which they have the nerve to teach is "new light" from god.
if a jw woman is raped, she may actually face disfellowshipping from the body of elders who will interrogate her soon after the crime has occurred and will listen with the utmost attention to every little detail.
depending on the "new light" from the governing body, if she doesn't scream during a rape, she will be charged by the elders as an adulteress ... someone who may have actually 'enjoyed' the violent act because of her silence.
I believe what you're saying cyrano, but do you have any documents from JW's "organization" that supports this viewpoint? I'm just interested because it does effect me in a MAJOR way. I would like to be able to walk into the offices of the elders that "df'd" me, throw this supportive evidence on their desks and then tell them they are going to "answer" to their god for "stumbling" me!!! Not that I'm going back - I just want a little justice.
Any real info you have would be extremely appreciated!
the second response came from a couple that were good friends in my congregation.. the response was simply my unopened letter returned to me.
remember im not df or dad so someone must have warned them not to open any thing from me.. now for the 3rd and more dramatic response!
it comes from an old time family friend on my husbands side.. i tell you, i still see the bridge burning on this one!.
God - they really believe this war is in the "name of religion" - what war wasn't if you want to get literal about it!!!!!
#1 - original sin: supposedly all this stuff is going on because adam/eve "ate the fruit" (type of fruit still under question).
because of this, god let billions & billions of people, "his children", suffer imperfection, pestilence, plague, wars,death, etc.
& let his "true followers" throughout bible history be persecuted because of this "original sin".
#1 - Original Sin: Supposedly all this stuff is going on because Adam/Eve "ate the fruit" (type of fruit still under question). Because of this, God let billions & billions of people, "his children", suffer imperfection, pestilence, plague, wars,death, etc. etc. & let his "true followers" throughout bible history be persecuted because of this "original sin". Wouldn't we as humans in the 21st century love to be given that choice in this day & age - 6000 years removed from original "perfection"? How many of us wouldn't have let that sneaky snake disuade us w/out checking with God first?
#2 - The Whole Basis of Original Sin: Occurred because Satan (one of God's angels/first children) challenged the Father., I believe myself to be reasonable & I have children. Even from the JW's own teachings - "spare the rod, spoil the child". Yet, Satan (Gods child) was able to challenge the very authority of God and instead of being instantly & permanently reprimanded, God allowed this "challenge" to be thrust upon humans for 6000 years? My son likes this argument because it does away w/corporal punishment! lol
JW's say this is because God wanted to prove to all his other heavenly children (angel) who the Father is, and to eventually (after ARM, 1000 years & another uprising of Satan) destroy Satan for eternity. This is where JW's say it ends, but I propose, does it? If this were all true, and Satan did rebel, what would keep some other angel for standing up after Satan's gone & making the same challenge? And, would a truly loving wonderful God let all of us here on earth suffer as much as we have because he wanted to prove a point?
The whole reasoning behinds this leads me to believe that if the God of any "religion" that believes in hell, eternal damnation,everlasting death etc. etc. is the "true" God, then I beg to differ that humans are nothing more than rats/insects to him, something to be studied, experimented on & then eventually done away with when the experiments are done & something more interesting develops. The only thing that obviously means anything to these Gods is their own soveriegnty & what the angels (first born childrens) think.
i have been watching the news on cnn and happened to notice the news flashing across the bottom mentioning the state of ohio banning door to door work and jehovah's witnesses!
has anyone seen this?
On the issue of anomity - since when did JW's want to be anonimous? I thought they were supposed to be screaming from the roof tops? If the government wants them to carry I.D. - what's the big deal? I suspect they are so indoctrinated themselves, that the WTBTS is actually afraid of its own prophecy coming true!!!!! Forget about those poor persecuted Malwai citizens, forget about those people in France & Russia - now its coming to America!!! Or, the WTBTS is getting one-step close in the eyes of the government for being a sneaky book-peddling organization that uses the name of God & free-labor to store rich treasures right here on earth!
see the news flash here: .
Perhaps Jimmy Swaggert will step in and help um out aye?
what does one make of all these current recent events w/the jw's?
i must admit, i'm a little nervous.
since i was a child it was reinforced that there would be these situations against jw's (slowing of the preaching work, restrictions on their ability to preach), as well as the ever well known belief that eventually god will have found all his "true followers" out of this system of things, and the new "dubs" enlisting would dwindle (which is happening if you look at the stats).
What does one make of all these current recent events w/the JW's? I must admit, I'm a little nervous. Since I was a child it was reinforced that there would be these situations against JW's (slowing of the preaching work, restrictions on their ability to preach), as well as the ever well known belief that eventually God will have found all his "true followers" out of this system of things, and the new "dubs" enlisting would dwindle (which is happening if you look at the stats). Is anyone else nervous about this, or am I just still so emotionally/mentally indoctrinated that I'm "not seeing the forest for the trees"?
Sorry, having a little anxiety attack at the moment (nightmares again last night for the 10th time in the last month!).
i have been watching the news on cnn and happened to notice the news flashing across the bottom mentioning the state of ohio banning door to door work and jehovah's witnesses!
has anyone seen this?
They aren't "Banning" the door-to-door, but the JW's will have to file for permits, acknowledge where they plan to "canvass" and also wear their permits as well as their names so that people will know when they answer the door. Sort of the same policy as being made of everyone who wants to go door-to-door (salesmen, politicians, mormons, etc. etc.)
Billygoat: I agree w/you. I think everyone is taking a closer look at religion as well w/obvious reason. Americans haves always ignored & even just joked about "benign" cults w/in our borders. And, if you remember the "expose" done on the Hari-Krishnas, the aftermath of being "found out" allowed alot of otherwise emotionally & mentally destroyed children a chance to recoup. The Hari-Krishan faith still survives, but definitely more mainstream and taking a better look at how the children are treated.