I'm confused - will donations already taken now be "split" up between Maximus & Farkel. Are there 2 different "donation boxes" that one should be responding to?
JoinedPosts by pettygrudger
A Note From Maximus To You All
by hillary_step inmany of you have wondered where maximus has been the past while and i would like, with his permission, to fill you in on a few details that will shed a light his recent sabbatical.. maximus and others have been working for some while on his book which i can assure you will bring some very interesting information regarding wts issues into the public arena.
without giving too much away, the book will be unique in the sense that it will embody theology with personal experience and present a helping hand through the process of challenging wts theology in a practical way, to establishing a meaningful and fulfilling life after the wts, if a person so chooses to walk this path.
many who know maximus personally will validate the fact that he has a vast fund of knowledge and experience of wts life and that he wishes to use this to heal rather than to further enflame.. the book which is still in its embryonic phase, will be the first of a number of projects developed by a new publishing company to aid those who are undergoing crisis in their lives, whether theologically or emotionally.
Red Flag Apostate Phrases for JWs
by comment ini remember that when i was a witness, seeing certain phrases would trigger the response: "aha, this must be from an apostate!".
those words and phrases included:.
"the watchtower society"--because the brothers would usually just call it "the society" and because this was, of course, merely a legal instrument the brothers used to advance the preaching work.. "the governing body"--because despite the power they may wield, the governing body does stay in the background personality-wise most of the time and has done so pretty much since the days of knorr; therefore, i regarded any attempts to point to them as personally important as suspicious (and can recall being charmed in an odd way a few years ago when a brother giving a public talk was unable to recall the name of the society's current president).. "the rank and file"--obviously this was insulting because jehovah's witnesses have no clergy-laity division!
This got me booted from greatcrowd.net
"We should not be so quick to say evil things about "apostates" - today's apostate may very well be our brother/sister tommorrow.
Ultimate JW Moron...or is that an oxymoron??
by kevin221 inthings that make you go hmmm???.
i guess it's a good thing my trip to greece has been postponed.. as i suspected jons' father is disputing his will.
i'm not surprised, just irritated that i have to deal with this non person for one more day than neccesary.
Well, I would say Jon's dad is pretty close to top of the list of JW morons. I'm glad you're fighting him - I'm sure Jon is watching right now & very proud of you. You are fighting for him in a way I'm sure Jon couldn't do easily in life.
My prayers and thoughts are still with you Kevin - hopefully it isn't going to be too long of a battle - and you can tell Jon's dad for ALL OF US HERE: NEENAH NEENAH NEEEEEENAHHHHHHH!!! & PLLLLLLLLLLTGH FOOEY!
Budddha Bless Afghanistan
by unclebruce inthere is a lot of ignorant afghan bashing going on here at the moment (as opposed to informed afghan bashing) and when we read the papers and see the television pictures it's little wonder why.
the world news media is on a feeding frenzy whipping up so called 'anti-terrorist'* retoric to silly levels.
(*one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter .. nelson mandela?
Yerusalyim - I respect the fact that you serve your company and feel so devote in your opinions. I do not think that puts you "in the know" more than any other individual here. You aren't the expert on this situation, any more than any other individual here. You kinda talk about the U.S. the way the WTBTS talks about all their issues - don't want to take responsibility for ANYTHING that they have done to help make this situation what it is. Everyone KNOWS the U.S. has their own dirty little secrets too. They aren't blameless here. In fact, without knowing too much, I admit, so not being heavily "armed" for this debate, I think its America's own arrogance, haughtiness, heavy handedness that makes it possible for people to develop the hatred that they do (much like the Borg). We roughshod over many countries, and play them like they were our personal pawns (using the North Alliance is a classic example).
Don't get me wrong - there are many things for which I am proud to be an American. But to say we didn't contribute to this fiasco is also ignorant. I am not a world leader - neither are you. So, please don't be offended if I don't happen to agree that perhaps more "diplomatic strategy" could've have been used. We could have taken a little more time to make sure our "coalition" was strong - and that everyone in all middle east countries were certain what our true goals were here. We could have done more to develop a "coalition" where more middle eastern divisions had say in how, what and where things should take place, and truly enlisted their help, advice, and assistance in dealing with this situation. Bin Ladin survives only because of our attitudes and actions of the past (word from foreign newsletters notes that many are beginning to question America's true motive here).
You say if we didn't act RIGHT NOW - our own country was in further jeopardy - to that I say "BULL" as well. We could've used the very military forces we're using right now to shore up home defense, while working to find an effective way to eliminate this threat once & for all. How do you think Isreal survives?
To say that its because they don't like our stance on Isreal - bull! To say that its because they're jealous - also bull. You are dealing with governments that so control their people in an effort to maintain power that they have literally been taken back to the stone ages. Egypt's unemployment rate is 25% - and their doing far better than most. Most of these countries until 30 years ago were decent, well-functioning countries. America has turned its back on the affairs of the middle east and their plight, and therefore given these dictators the ammo they need to breed the hatred they need to stay in power & control "independent" thought. Now you have groups of starving, dying people who have been told from birth that their plight is the fault of America. You can disagree w/that, but you can see, if the shoe were on the other foot, how this may make some want to see us dead. The only countries we "stretch out our hand" to are the ones that serve our personal interests. Our only way to not have this happen in the future is by taking steps here to help the middle east move back to being the well-functioning communities they once were - even if they argued amongst each other. Blowing the smithereens out of Afghanistan isn't doing that. And, its not "making an example" either - its breeding more hate.
So whats the answer? Obviously some military options were necessary because of the Taliban response. But this day after day, night after night bombing - bull! These are no longer "strategic" bombings - read any foreign middle-easter newspaper & you'll see Gwedo had a point. But, he didn't agree w/you so that makes him (and I'm sure others wrong).
Yes Osama & Al-Queda have to be taken down, along w/the Taliban (their "front"). This is obvious. And no, I don't wish to see any Americans killed over this tragedy. But, this military action really isn't working as an option either - is it? Did it take care of Sudam Hussain? No. He's still alive & kicking. And, the tactics we are using will in the end only anger other middle-eastern countries into action and/or hatred against the U.S.
You wanted an alternative - I'd say ask the middle-eastern countries how to handle these situations instead of acting like the big bully on the block country that we do. Did we have the right to justice? ABSOLUTELY. Is this justice - NO.
What flavor are you? Test Du Jour
by Esmeralda inokay...a little fun on a friday night.... : http://www.emode.com/emode/tests/flavor.jsp.
mmm ... mocha!
strong and rich but not too sweet you're the flavor of late nights and early mornings.
vanilla - gawd whats wrong with me????? I need help - I wanna be a jalapeno!
Trying to help a friend
by rainbowbridge inive been reading here for several hours and i dont even know where to start.. i have a friend almost 18 years old who is a jw.
she has been since age 3. i'm not sure what to think about what i'm reading here at these forums and other sites.. i don't know what to think of the relationship we have.
i am not a jw.
Rainbow - I'm sure all us "newbies" are "suspicious, but you can't blame the regulars here, they've had some pretty difficult experiences, and some have yet to leave "the borg". Post your questions on the general forum however. You might have others that are "suspicious", but you'll also find ones that want to help.
Lefty/YK & Any Other JW's - ???
by pettygrudger ini'm extremely confused by the answers in some of your posts.
you keep refering to "new light" and have also explained why the wtbts has made errors along the way, even though it has caused the "stumbling" of thousands.
your logic makes sense except for 1 questions that continues to go through my mind.. although all of god's messengers, apostles, disciples, etc.
JT - you too, thanks for your posted evidence. How do I get this stuff?!!!!!!
I think I'm spiritually mature enough now to handle this information w/the respect it deserves.
Lefty/YK & Any Other JW's - ???
by pettygrudger ini'm extremely confused by the answers in some of your posts.
you keep refering to "new light" and have also explained why the wtbts has made errors along the way, even though it has caused the "stumbling" of thousands.
your logic makes sense except for 1 questions that continues to go through my mind.. although all of god's messengers, apostles, disciples, etc.
Lefty - I still haven't received an answer - I'm sorry to say. There are examples that the JW's can use for proving their doctrine, yet on the most fundamental they cannot? This does not make sense. I don't care what the normal "rank and file" member thinks - I care about what God thinks. And for me, this doesn't make sense. They can't keep changing doctrine & be the truth, or else what truth would it be? New light that gets brighter & brigher - meaning spreads out - NOT CHANGES
Comment - thank you for all you're wonderful "evidence". I no longer have access to this information.
Anthony Mundine Comments
by drahcir yarrum ini just read the comments of australian boxer and muslim anthony mundine.
he says the attack on the wtc on sept. 11th wasn't an act of terrorism, but an act of religion, because of the actions of the united states in history.
apparently, while too cowardly to actually say he approves of the terrorism on the u.s., like so many muslims are cowardly in this regard, he seems to slip in his approval through the back door, as it were.
He protests too much I say. And as far as TRUE Islam goes - don't knock it till you've tried it.
Trying to help a friend
by rainbowbridge inive been reading here for several hours and i dont even know where to start.. i have a friend almost 18 years old who is a jw.
she has been since age 3. i'm not sure what to think about what i'm reading here at these forums and other sites.. i don't know what to think of the relationship we have.
i am not a jw.
I would first print off some information from silentlambs.com and the next time you see her, perhaps show highlighted areas that may be of interest to her. Something is bound to pull on a heart string. The owner of that site is not a DF'd JW, so perhaps this will give her peace of mind in looking into helping herself.
But as far as her beliefs - slow and steady. It doesn't really help to BAAM um w/truth, they aren't equipped to handle it. If she has doubts, do research on her doubts to figure out why I guess, in order to help her. She's the only one that can make this decision. Her friendship with you is not "illegal", as long as its pure & she doesn't get the hint that you are "pulling" her away from "the truth".
You are probably the only one she can speak w/regarding the abuse. The JW's have a longstanding history of sweeping their dirty little secrets under the carpet, and very few victims get the psychological help they need.
I would suggest you read a few books on "cult" syndromes, to get an idea of what you are up against. These may also have good advice in dealing with ones like your friend.
Good luck to you & let us know how it turns out.