Damnit - thought I was being invited to a party!!!!!!
Congrats Avengers!
Wheres the cake & ice cream?
Damnit - thought I was being invited to a party!!!!!!
Congrats Avengers!
Wheres the cake & ice cream?
something i have observed since i've left the org is that people who were raised in the org and have lots of family in , aren't able to really act like a grown up.
its more like a teenager sort of thing.
i've read where adults won't openly celebrate holidays because of fear of being shunned by parents.
Yes, when dealing with the JW's the "don't ask me no questions & I'll tell you no lies" policy is mandatory.
last fall my wife was in a friends wedding.
my wife was helping out a lot, and thus we spent a lot of time at the bride's house.
he said, "well i thought it did and i wanted to tell her.
Beck - I caught it so nothing got wrecked!!!! (rhonda punching beck's hubby in tummy as she would her own while saying "A**!) I wish there was a college course for "tact" in college for men! Wonder if they know what "they" would truly look like if it weren't for us "tactful" ladies.
And snoozy - I'm not necessarily "backing down" from kenpo - he has his opinion, I have mine. I'll leave it at that as I think everyone can learn something from practically everyone. It sounds like it got really ugly over there after I left early this year, and for that I'm truly sorry. Its such a wonderful place to be.....but I guess even paradise can have its problems.
But I would also agree with this....to just heave out accusations w/out proof isn't fair, nor is it right. I think everyone can agree with this.
last fall my wife was in a friends wedding.
my wife was helping out a lot, and thus we spent a lot of time at the bride's house.
he said, "well i thought it did and i wanted to tell her.
Hey - I know what you mean too, at work everyone knows I'm on the computer, feeding my ex-Jw addict habit, at home - my hubby thinks different!
P.S. working on that homework assignment you gave me! You definitely have a flair for the written word. (And I'm not kissing up to ya just cause of our little argument - I do need to get to know someone, even through reading their thoughts, before I jump to conclusions) But look out hee hee hee.....
last fall my wife was in a friends wedding.
my wife was helping out a lot, and thus we spent a lot of time at the bride's house.
he said, "well i thought it did and i wanted to tell her.
Sure, but I'm sure the wife wasn't perfect either - there are ALWAYS 2 sides kenpo - always!
P.S. Its Rhonda silly.
could you answer me this one question?, (i trust you will see this message) ~ .
on beyondjehovahswitnesses.com, did you pose as "snoozy", write a few posts to which you signed her name and have to apologize to tim?.
i just wondered what sort of person you really are.. you may not choose to answer this question, (for obvious reasons).. by the way, you are not a bad writer, a tad "flowery" in my opinion and you're not exactly nietzshce, but it obviously keeps you busy.
Kelsey - I know you feel you've been maligned by AlanF - but if its any concellation, you are by NO MEANS the 1st. I don't think AlanF sincerely means any harm, he's just abrasive at times. He actually has done quite a bit to help others understand the blatent falacies of the WTBS.
I know it doesn't help, but sometimes its nice to know you are not alone in something. And in being attacked by AlanF - you are DEFINITELY not alone. So cheer up!
a while ago, there was some yacking about free speech on this web site.... i was thinking how despite recent events, it's amazing that a group of people with such different reasons for leaving their past behind, now with differing religious views and feelings on life and the world, men and women, young and old, people from different nations having much more contact than they ever did in the org, can actually form such a close community.. some people say, their goal is not to bring the org down but to see molesters disfellowshipped and brought to justice.
can i then put it this way.... some people are hoping and praying (rightfully) that the org does to these sickos what was once done to many of us.
(note the strange irony of those wicked people un-challenged and those summarilly dismissed).. does that mean that on a free-speech web site, the perverts would then be allowed to join, post and air their views, if not take over the forum when numbers reach the proportion that could be expected?.
DoNotCall - I agree w/you. I think that everyone's entitled to their "freedom of speech", but then they are also responsible for anything they are dished out in return for using said freedom.
last fall my wife was in a friends wedding.
my wife was helping out a lot, and thus we spent a lot of time at the bride's house.
he said, "well i thought it did and i wanted to tell her.
Couldn't agree w/you more Sabine - excellent point.
IMHO though Ken, there are ALWAYS 2 sides to every story. Maybe his wife was regularly (although unknowing) thoughtless in her comments to others (even in public) & perhaps he wanted to make a point? Perhaps she regularly made him feel inferior in public, perhaps to the point that one day he wanted to say "See how it feels". And perhaps he didn't see fit to explain it to you. To say he was a man who didn't love life doesn't really fit 1 tactless comment now does it? If you were to say that he regularly said cruel & tactless things, it might fit. But, if it was a one time occurrence, it doesn't work.
as some of you know from my sharing portions of my story on this board before, i disassociated myself from the jehovah's witnesses in 2001. my family, including my mother, sister, and brother, remain jehovah's witnesses.
i have an extremely limited relationship with my mother and sister.
i possess no relationship whatsoever with my brother, his wife, and their now 1 yr old son.
It is amazing how they can ask for money while at the same time juding you as "spiritually" dead. I know I have had similar situations w/my family. I had to work my *ss off to get where I am, as until I left the JW's "education" was not a priority either. Now that I'm able to make due for my family, I'm judged for putting "possessions & material things" over my relationship with God. But, when the chips are down, guess who has to "honor" the family & help out.
Never ceases to amaze me.
I'm sorry for the pain you're experiencing Reborn. I hope it gets better.
could you answer me this one question?, (i trust you will see this message) ~ .
on beyondjehovahswitnesses.com, did you pose as "snoozy", write a few posts to which you signed her name and have to apologize to tim?.
i just wondered what sort of person you really are.. you may not choose to answer this question, (for obvious reasons).. by the way, you are not a bad writer, a tad "flowery" in my opinion and you're not exactly nietzshce, but it obviously keeps you busy.
Stupid question here - is BB from tim's board the same as bill bowen?