Gave me the shivers.......nice post dragon
Rhonda (of the when will the fog lift class - NOT)
i take you to a moment in time, a moment of myth ... .
you are walking down the street, it is a fog-covered night with only the moon above to illuminate your vision.
you do not need to be alone, you do not need to be walking in the fog.
Gave me the shivers.......nice post dragon
Rhonda (of the when will the fog lift class - NOT)
how many of you guys are vegetarians?
in my personal experience, i've only known of two jw vegetarians, and both were so for health reasons.
so i'd like to see how the x-jw community compares.
Valis - that is so cool - we don't have ANY places like that in my area.
how many of you guys are vegetarians?
in my personal experience, i've only known of two jw vegetarians, and both were so for health reasons.
so i'd like to see how the x-jw community compares.
I am now a vegetarian - have been for almost 10 years. I did it because I started dating a Hari-Krishna (after leaving the JW's). Could not believe how much better I felt.
In fact, I am now also gluten/caesin free as well (no dairy/no wheat). ITs amazing how much "good" food is really bad for you.
i'm a first time poster.
i'm not a jw.
my wife has been a jw for 5 years now.
Try - its obvious you were never indoctrinated into a cult. I understand your points, and they make sense, but alot of the "issues" are based on subconscious parts of the brain that just "don't go away" because you want them too.
Actually, I like to think that I'm a pretty happy person now. I was raised in that cult, and have horrific experiences that although not caused by this org., the way their policy's doctrines etc. still had a major role to play in why I wasn't given the help I needed. My parents couldn't do "the right thing" either, as my mother was as indoctrinated as I. I am 33 years old & still have nightmares according to my husband (I never remember). Do I consciously let these old "scars" control the way I act in my life? No.
But, I do not wish any child to suffer either through the policy/doctrines of this religion as I and many others did.
Why am I here? Because I found people like me, people raised/enveloped into a cult who know/experienced life such as I did. Most people do that, even you I think. Some here have "tiffs", some here are "negative", some are "positive", in fact you won't find a more rounded group of people anywhere. This is a good thing isn't it?
You say that we should all "let it go", and if you've read the different threads, its obvious that many have. They also wish to assist others in the same process.
P.S. You are appearing quite condenscending yourself. I don't appreciate your last comments to "mouthy". She is a very sweet woman who has suffered much because of the policy/doctrines of this religion. She has found much comfort & love here, and surrogate children & grandchildren who here adore her as much. For you to say what you did to her is wrong imho. Who says she isn't over it? Perhaps she would just like some company with others who may understand her thoughts & feelings.
i'm a first time poster.
i'm not a jw.
my wife has been a jw for 5 years now.
Trybalance - hi & welcome to the board.
I know what you mean about some with anger/attitudes - that is a very "normal" reaction. You asked why people "dwell" on them, and the answer is pretty simple. By venting alot of the "negative" here, they are actually trying to move up & onwards from dwelling. Some people do it in therapists offices, some take it out on their families, some on their co-workers etc. etc. To DEAL with anger/pain/hostility is a very normal & healthy.
Granted, alot may jump over others that seem condenscending or hurtful, but if you've actually read a good majority of posts, most when dealing with someone's actual anger/pain experiences are especially supportive. There are undoubtedly some who don't like others here, but by far from the Ex-JW state of mind, this seems like a warm & loving place.
I don't know how you deal w/anger in your world, it sounds as if you are a pretty balanced person. Most here were not given the same avenues to gain the ability to be as balanced.
Also, stating you will "love your wife" no matter what religion she chooses, thats beautiful. But, if she becomes totally indoctrinated by this cult, she will cease to view you as the same. They are being nice to you now, but thats because they want to "win you over". What you don't see, and what many of us w/non-believing parents/spouses has seen is what's going on behind your back. Do you know many of them "pity" your wife? Do you know the extent that her feelings for you may change? Are you ready for the endless nights of debating "being a JW" to be saved from Armaggedon? Do you celebrate Xmas or any holidays? Are you ready for her non-involvement, and even total repulsion & disgust at you for celebrating them? I'm not asking all the questions you should consider, but believe me, just "choosing" this religion isn't the same as picking another - alot of heavy stuff comes along with it, and you haven't scratched the surface as far as this organization.
Nice to see you here though.
could you please take a few minutes to answer the following questions:.
1. your age.
2. how long were you a witness.
1. your age (33)
2. how long were you a Witness (16 Years)
3. how long have you been out of the religion. (16 Years)
4. which of the following symptoms did you experience as a witness.
4a. depression
4b. low self esteem
4c. anxiety
4d. psychosis
5. Today, which of those symptoms do you have? low self-esteem
6. Today, how would you rate your overall degree of happiness 1. much less happy than as a JW 2. somewhat less happy 3. just as happy 4. somewhat more happy 5. much more happy
today is my husband and my 51 anniversary.having a small party with some of our friends.
ex jw and worldly friends.
one daughter will be here.& one sent flowers.
a few of us will be in vegas in december ( 4th, 5th and 6th) who wants to meet up?
We're gonna be in Vegas 11/27 - 12/3 - dangit - move it back a few days!!!!
We have a weeding on the 1st - DRats!!!!
Rhonda (of the I miss everything class)
about yourself.... my pc is in my bedroom.
i do, in fact, have a pc in each room connected by a lan, but this is my pc and this is my very comfortable corner where i like to chill out, play mutliplayer games over ther internet, and of course post numerous fluff posts at jwd.
just by me is a window which, until last week, looked out on some beautiful trees.
Sh*t - I was gonna say something - but nothing can top Valis' statement - damnit!
do they still make family movies?
it look like things that get produced these days by holyywood filled with f word, sex, violence, drug use and hurling.
no movies hardly to take your kids to or that a christian can watch.
LOL seven006 - who's the director? Stephen King?