I don't have any sexual favors, plum out....
Will a lollipop do?
Congrats Nathan - you are an appreciated poster!
i just noticed that i am now of the emperor class.
bfd, eh?
i insist that you all continue to treat me as before, especially in regard to the sexual favors.
I don't have any sexual favors, plum out....
Will a lollipop do?
Congrats Nathan - you are an appreciated poster!
apparently there is going to be a movie that pits the wisecracking freddy kruger against the silent hockey-masked jason voorhees.. no word on the victor as yet, but everyone's got their favorites.
who do you favor in this match?.
i'm going with freddy k.. mike.
Personally, I hope they kill each other off & let both series die a permanent death!
just wanted to drop in and say hello and let ya'll know i haven't fallen off the face of the earth.
big news, on november 1st i will be promoted to the rank of sergeant first class.
this is a pay raise of over $300.00 a month (just in time for christmas) praise god!
Congratulations Yeru!
i'm a 24yr old non-witness who has been dating a 23yr old witness.
we met through a mutual friend.
when i met him i thought he was sweet and kind and the kind of guy i could see myself with for the rest of my life.
(((CW02))) I really can't add anything other than ditto everything already covered, but all responses should be reread over & over again until you realize what he's asking of you.
Will you want to have children with this person & then never be able to say "happy birthday" or "merry christmas" to them (not counting all the other holidays).
i thought this was kind of cute.
let's hope i do this right.. http://www.smilepop.com/index.cfm?action=viewcard&content_id=321
I'm a Mama Bear - how'd they know that??? lol
Now what fun is in that?!
Nice point IslandWoman
i have had a rough week.
my health is not good at this time.
this week i discovered a whole new depth of agony.
OH man - such thought provoking questions on a sunday mornin
#1 - My husband, my strength, my rock, my life....Never being a JW, his common sense at how the world REALLY works has always been a source of comfort. His intelligence, his warmth & his humor (and his wonderfully sinfully good looks).
#2 - My beautiful older son Kev (15). To be a teenager & be growing through all his "rebel" stage but still finding small ways to touch my heart even if he doesn't mean too. His self-assuredness & deep introspect never ceases to amaze me - he will be more than I ever hoped to be & for this I am grateful.
#3 - My younger son Nicholas. His autism & apraxia pose daily challenges for himself & everyone around him. Yet the perseverence he shows, the courage & the drive to understand the world around him & for everyone to understand him. Having a child w/special needs has taught me some of the greatest lessons in life.
#4 -This break from foster parenting (as selfish as it sounds). Actually, I appreciate the ability once in awhile to be totally selfish, and not feel guilty for it. For me, this was a hard lesson to learn.
#5 - The realization that I can do anything I want to do - I can & will go back to school once hubby is finished. I can & am typing on this computer instead of the endless piles of laundry that I know are in the laundry room.
#6. The fact that we went to a breakfest buffet this morning instead of another pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
#7. The fact that we still have the rest of Sunday to spend with my children.
#8 - The wonderful people I'm coming to know on these DB's - gives me a release for the lil ex-jw that always thought she was alone.
#9 - The fact that my husband & I have a beautiful home over our heads, good jobs & a little sense of security.
#10 - The fact that I'm almost done with this list, as I'm horrible at thinking positive for long periods of time!!!!
#11 - You Robdar for starting a beautiful thread - I've read the previous posts & am reading the thoughts of some extremely loving and caring people
i have been searching for a job since march, and finally got one waiting tables at a pool hall.
they fired me today due to "pushing" someone that i asked to excuse me.
then i was told that my "attitude" was a reason.
I didn't see this post until now.....I know you're hurting & angry right now, but perhaps there are other options.
Have you ever looked into joining a "temporary" agency? When I was 22 & became single, I registered with "Manpower", a temporary agency. I had 0 skills, but they were able to find me a couple of temporary jobs doing receptionist & basic clerical skills, and the money wasn't bad either.
After awhile, I was able to get a job as a secretary, and the firm eventually hired me on full time (benefits finally - yea!!!). With some college courses & experience, I was finally able to do what I do now, an Executive Secretary, and the money is alot better.
Also, when I needed GOOD money fast - I delivered pizzas. I know it sounds silly, but the tips are fantastic (on average Friday night I made $30.00 per hour).
p.s. - I posted this on the "other" board as well - sorry I didn't see sooner
im breaking a long absence to ask a question during this evening of soul-searching in what i believe to be the best place to ask it.
i dont know how many people are still here who remember me well, so first a 'hi and miss you guys' to those who are.. im wondering about therapy.
i always thought i had a pretty good handle on my life despite the upheaval of leaving the witnesses.
((Moxy)) - in my experience with therapy, I found that knowing why something is the way it is doesn't always solve the problem. There are some hurts/pains I will have to "deal" with for the rest of my life, therapy doesn't solve that imho.
But, it can be a good avenue to learn coping skills as well as getting to the root of the problem.
i spent an hour looking at this site and decided to join.
i was a jw from 1973 to 1986. yikes!
not a smart thing to do.
Welcome Brandy!!!!!