Hi @ruby456
JoinedPosts by Someguywhocares
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
@snowbird betcha you're a happy Tigers fan today
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
Compound Complex
i totally understood where you were going and I've actually said 'Doutiful Dan' in the same context which is funny.
The context I should have added to my post is this:
My maternal grandfather deserves about 40% credit for the man I am today. Yes, he was a JW & an elder from inception until his death - 3 years 10 months ago. I miss that man more than I can bare; I have a tear running down my cheek just typing about him. This week would have been his 73rd birthday (Thursday) as mine is on Friday.
For so many reasons - far too many to type here and, without being hyperbolic, far too many reasons to enumerate upon over 100 conversations let alone 1 - we were so very close and bonded beyond any rational explanation.
Yes, my dad was a big part too. He is still an elder, etc. and I give him A LOT of credit for my thinking abilities & congregational knowledge; he gets about a 20% share.
But my Pop Pop and his best friend (who was called my 'third grandfather', those man are the reason you & I are conversing on this level. They both get 40%.
i could go on forever about them, but I'll say this, they had ways of breaking through to me in a manner that made an 8 year old boy understand the deeper level of meaning & importance behind everything and how & why to use it, store it, call it to mind when needed and get the benefit from it. Even from something that seems - superficially - to be a waste or pointless; say, for example a young man that can talk & respect historical names, datasets or actors...
My Pop Pop used to call me Dapper Dan every time he saw me in a suit & tie; so, considering my childhood (into adulthood) consisted of mostly the 3 meeting per week era, plus weekend & weeknight ministry, I heard it a lot. Today, now, at 35, it's a very fond memory.
When I read Doutiful Dan, despite my familiarity with it, given this weeks birthdays, I kept seeing 'Dapper Dan'.
To your point about the similarities between you & i, yes I agree based on your tonality & verbiage.
Even though he was a JW until the end, you'd have liked him I think.
Quite the man man he was indeed. In fact, when I walked away & married a worldly girl without anyone knowing, he invited her & i to visit him & my grandmother in Florida.
We weren't off the plane by 10 minutes and he started in on my wife...
"So you're the bad association that won over my grandson...yada yada yada...and grilled her - outwardly appearing in a terribly mean way - for the 30 minute car ride.
I bit my tongue because I know the man too well.
When we got to the condo, I purposefully walked ahead and my Pop Pop grabbed her by the arm & stopped her to talk; she was Latina, fiery, and I knew she wanted to explode.
She told me later that he looked at her, he was crying, and said "Toni, I like you. You're now my grandsons wife, I love you. I would do that to a JW girl if he married one. You don't know how special that boy is, what he means to me & what he has inside him."
We went to dinner that night, the place had a piano player, I noticed (because of how I was raised to be so observant) but no one else did, when Pop Pop 'went to the bathroom' but actually slipped by the piano, handed the gentleman a piece of paper wrapped around a $20 and when Pop Pop came back he walked up to my wife & asked her to dance and the piano man began to play 'Just The Way You Are' by Billy Joel.
he was an amazing man. He stuck to his guns about 'the truth' but he truly understood the 'SPIRIT of the law' by the way he treated me & my wife.
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
Compound Complex...well, if your statement about our respective ages is correct, then you'll most likely get a chuckle out of this whereas most people my age would never understand it...
As I read your last reply, I had to re-read a certain sentace two or three times...
the sentence in reference is where you used the term 'Doutiful Dan'. For some reason, each time I read it, my brain was registering it as 'Dapper Dan' lol.
Now, as I said, if I was speaking with someone my age - hell, even a little bit (but not much) older than me - they would have absolutely no comprehension of what Dapper Dan is & would probably think I was having a stroke rather than speaking English.
But the the same holds true if I were to say things like:
Imogene Coca
Carey Grant
Robert Shaw
John Derek
Gene Rayburn
Bela Lugosi
If I tried to explain to them that the narrator to Michael Jackson's Thriller was not some guy but was a Hollywood ICON in Vincent Price.
If I tried to tell them that 'that old dude who played Obi Wan Kenobi wasn't just some 'scrub' guy they got on the street corner, they'd look at me like I had four heads if I just said 'Sir Alec Guinness'.
If I said to them Frank Gorshin they'd think I was speaking in tongues and not know that they have seen him in countless shows & films, starting with the Original 'Riddler' alongside Adam West & Burt Ward as TVs Batman & Robin.
They'd be amazingly lost if I asked who Burgess Meredith was & said "You can't say 'Micky Goldmill' from Rocky!"
And...the coup de grace...would be in their distorted facial expressions upon hearing me say: "Calgon, Take Me Away!!!!"
I truly weep for my generation, not to mention each one forthcoming; it is scary just how rapidly we are losing, not just the segments or clusters of data themselves but, even more frightening is watching as we lose the mental faculties to even know where to learn this stuff which thus further diminishes whatever value said knowledge or data once had.
"Possessing a keen wit, a sharp eye & a thoroughly nourished brain proves hollow sucker for a man amongst a generation bereft of not only the knowledge but also capabilities and desire to attain it." - Someguywhocares
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
Hey Sylvia, same here. That would be nice some day.
Its funny, when I sent that message about 'Bama I said to myself 'if she asks, I'll be honest that I respect Alabama but I don't necessarily actively root for them unless they are playing the teams and/coaches on my NCAA Sh!t List (i.e. Tenn., LSU, Gators, Lane Kiffen...and...the root of the current problem for me...NICK SMURFING SABAN)!"
Plus, it is almost impossible to NOT become a fan of Auburn after see Bo go through.
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
Sylvia, glad I made you laugh!
Otherwise, I have only one thing to say to you..
Rammer Jammer, Yellowhammer
Give 'em hell, Alabama!
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
Compound Complex, nice to meet you!
I appreciate greatly the platitudes which you sent my way, very kind of you. However, I'd like to reply to the 'hunt and peck' reference by saying 'meh, that's no big deal my friend'.
Any apparent success in 'Touchscreen Typing' that you, or others, may see is merely the empirical evidence of 2 different 'proverbs' (perhaps it's actually from the amalgamation of the 2 into one, I'm not sure enough except to say I am not sure...)
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" and/or "The key to mastery over any subjective attempt is repetition" which, when combined, I personally read it as: "Practice Makes Perfect"; and that is the only reason I have the ability that you referenced regarding my phone. Trust me, I still make mistakes, end up with typos or grammatical errors I always try so hard to avoid that and to at least go back to correct if I can
I am a major perfectionist, OCD person (Why do you think I was so popular in the congregation & the one doing all the work? Because everyone said "well, he is the best so give it to him and since he is a perfectionist, even if he 'half-asses it' he will still do better than anyone else...AND...if we dump it all of on this 17 year old kid, then we don't have to take ANY responsibilities at all! We can essentially be elders but in NAME ONLY!". That is also how they saw it as wise and prudent to have me - at 17 years old & since I was an Asst CBSO - take part in sheparding visits to those in my Book Study...first assignment? A married couple, with two kids, that - as of 10 months earlier - were officially 'living' on opposite ends of the house, sleeping apart, eating apart (each parent taking one kid), driving to meetsings apart, always requesting that one spouse & one kid be placed in a different car group in the ministry, etc. etc. etc.; yup, that my first Sheparding Assignment...) Sorry, tangential story
The way I look at things is: imagine if I was still in the business world and interviewing for an EVP COO position, so I say:
"Well sir, thank you for this opportunity to interview as a candidate for the EVP & COO position. In response to your primary question, I actually did not 'forget to list' my College Education on my resume; I actually did not attend any secondary - or beyond - education.
However, I think you'll be pleased to know that last year I spent nearly 1000 hours knocking on people's doors unexpectedly so as to preach, teach and discuss matters of a biblical nature as well as to disseminate religious & bible based literature to those I met, as well as their families, so that they could come to an accurate knowledge of God, Jesus Christ their King, Redeemer & Savior and exactly what, why and how they can benefit - and be saved - from Gods Soveriegn Justice during the Great War of Armageddon when God shall destroy everyone & everything on this earth that does not have the very knowledge that I was giving them for free at that very moment and in the comfort of their own home!!
So, while I did not attend college, you no doubt can discern how blessed a gift is this knowledge that I spent 1000 hours delivering to them, doing my part to save them on the impending judgement day that we are so very, extremely, close to seeing arrive;
I don't know the exact day, no one does, only God himself and not even Jesus knows. What we do know is that it's going to take place and take place imminently! Who knows, sudden destruction may befall YOU ALL on your way home from work tonight!
So, you no doubt agree by now that the work I was engaged was of such intrinsic urgency that there was no time for college sir; I spent 1000 hours last year and I STILL did not get the chance to unexpectedly arrive at your doorstep to bring salavation to you, your wife & your kids.
But, don't worry, as soon as I'm hired and on-board with the firm I will immediately get to work - on every lunch/coffee break, walking down the hall and/or just any moment I can use to do so - to educate everyone here - to save you all through the good news of god's kingdom & the information disseminated to us by the faith & discreet slave - on the crucial need for them to accept the word of God into their hearts, that is a PROMISE!"
"I'm sorry sir, would please repeat that?"
"Oh, you're saying that it's not 'wife' but, rather, it's 'you, your husband & your adopted children'? I see, I apologize.
The good news is that my cell phone typing is the best you ever have, and ever will see, in your entire life! Just wait until later tonight, when I get home I will text message you a few article for you to read - along with some of my own comments - which will demonstrate my typing ability on a cell phone and - much more crucially important - you'll really appreciate these articles; they cover, in amazing detail, how God hates homosexuals and - just like he destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah for being gay - how, at Armageddon, he will once again ensure the destruction of every homosexual person (man or woman) for the way they chose to live such an abhorrent & vile lifestyle against God's wishes.
...and, Sir, here is the best part, through these articles and other life saving information that I'll provide you, you will quickly see that - while God hates homosexuality - he does give all homosexuals the opportunity for salvation rather than God killing you all! Upon reading these you will be so pleased to see that any homosexual who stops being homosexual and begins a chaste & Christian lifestyle while demonstrating the works of your faith, that homosexual will be saved! If any homosexual does not change their chosen sexual activity then destruction is theirs
is that great news for you!?"
So, I don't think being a good cell phone matters much; it's not exactly a delineating superlative quality I feel that the above example proves that, despite my cell phone typing skill and working it into the interview, I'm not going to get that job...
LMAO That was fun. Hahaha
JW's And Their Education Level
by Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu ini was thinking about this.... in my congregation, i was literally the only one with universitary education, out of a cong from around 110 people.... and we're very close to a very big university, which makes it even weirder.. on the other hand... sooo many here with their own business, mostly small cleaning businesses.
cleaning windows, or cleaning somewhere else... painters.... all have jobs that do not require any education level, cos they never had a decent education.. how is the composition of the jw people/congs that you know about?.
how many painters... cleaners... compared to people with jobs that require higher education?.
(Note: This may not appear to be 'the right place' for this post or that it is not topical - and I won't make a habit of this, but the case is easily made that it is indeed topical due to the following: The details of this update are actually highlighting a *personally* common issue that was caused by my first ever major work injury, an injury that occurred because of the *type* of job I was working; acceptance of this job - and physical form of work - was necessitated by my lack of ANY type of certification, degree or education post-high school graduation & that, as we know, is something that I did not receive (actually, in my case, 'accept') because 'c'mon people the end of this system is nearly here! Do not waste precious kingdom effort hours on something fleeting and passing away...'...ummmm...thanks 👍)
So, Sylvia and everyone else, I hope are well!
Sylvia, thanks for the suggestion. Sadly, due to the traumatic brain injury that I suffered in 2006, everything that used to work for me or that serves as a common home remedy for insomnia (or any of my conditions) are no longer of help by 'things such as these', tea, melatonin, Tylenol, etc.
Even ZzzzQuil is loosing its efficacy now 💔
But, guess what Sylvia?!?!?!?!?
I managed to get 75 minutes of sleep & almost FOUR FULL HOURS of some serious, high quality, cognitive ability impacting, circadian rhythm loving, synapse charging, alpha wave toying, serotonin soaking, norepinephrine massaging, neuron repairing, basal ganglia refreshing, full body & brain restorating blissful moments last night as I just lay there, in bed, trying so hard to not wake my girlfriend, staring at the 'black', at the ceiling...as I said, *Bliss*.
**I am out of bed but I would not say I am 'awake' yet so - to be safe - I am tagging this post as:
Naturally, during the aforementioned bliss, I am simultaneously praying that the cat does not realize I am awake yet & start the incessant crying beg for food at 3:50AM...and laying there - mentally riveted by another installment episode of 'The Days of My Life As the World Turns towards a General Hospital visit but that's my Dynasty as the most Young and Restless of All His Children so perhaps I should move to Dallas, Santa Barbara, Sunset Beach, Beverly Hills 90210 with the Bold & the Beautiful where my Guiding Light is The Search For Tomorrow in my One Life To Live but fearful of losing The Doctors for Passions of Another World not one of The Haves and The Have Nots'...
...Tonight's Episode: I miss my healthy body & where would I live today after earning my Doctorate & MBA from MIT because I had accepted the offer that sweet September day on campus when I (For Real) listened to AND SHOOK HANDS with John Nash AND Stephen 'Holy $h!t' Hawking...
That's always a fun way for one to spend ones night of insomnia rather than sleeping.
Well, that 3rd cup of coffee is hitting me, I'll check in later!
How's everyone else?
How many of you followed the WTS direction on education years ago and have been screwed by it?
by Julia Orwell ini'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
Lois, here is a copy/paste of a follow comment on another thread.
Had I attended MIT, I was planning on attaining my Doctorate in Physics with a 'minor' geared towards also graduating with a Masters in Business Administration. (So, I guess it would be more of a double major, lol).
For me, despite the straight A's in high school, it was Math, Science, Accounting, History & Psychology that were a 'cake walk' versus English type courses.
When my my sister was in 2nd grade, the decision was made to home school her starting with 3rd grade
*Note: this was, believe it or not, a decision that was NOT based on the JWs love of home schooling children. The actual reason was due to a genetic birth defect that lead to my sister developing into a woman at an insanely young age; and when I say 'developing' and 'insanely young' I mean 'able to become pregnant' at the age of 5. Thus, she was attempting to deal with out of control & irregular female matters at an age where her classmate would never understand what was happening, let alone the difficulty to her psyche. My parents both worked an hour away so if anything happened, no one was readily available or close by to go pick her up & get her home, etc. So, we arranged the last half of second grade so that, if needed, her school would call my high school (less than a mile away), my principle would get me from class, drive me to pick her up & then drop us at home where I could care for her, help her change out of stained clothes, etc.; again, I digress.*
I bring that up for the purposes of giving an example regarding my math, science, etc. mind...
When she began her home schooling - both parents still working an hour away - she could not even get 2+2 right. So, I got permission from my school superintendent to arrive at high school each morning - in home room as normal - to be present for roll call and then proceed to the office where the secretary would hand me my course work for that day.
I would then return home, wake up my sister by 8AM, have her shower while I would make her (and I) breakfast and then I - at 14 - became her teacher. I would instruct all lesson plans for her & grade assignments. We'd break for lunch, then back to work until the bell would ring at the school she would have been in.
She then was sent to the desk in her room to do her 'homework' to turn in to me the following day.
That is when when I would sit and grade 'yesterday's homework'. Upon completion of her school day, I'd then adjourn to my own room & workspace and I would now do my days school work at night.
The next day, when picking up my new set of work, I'd hand in my prior days work to the high school for it to be graded by the appropriate teachers and then I would head home for that day, repeat
Each Friday I would pack up my sisters school work - everything I graded - and then it would be mailed to the school for a teacher to review & ensure her education went correctly.
Then, it was 'lather, rinse, repeat' as it were.
I tell that story because that little girl, unable to perform simple addition, went on to become the YOUNGEST FEMALE CPA in Massachusetts history (at the time) when she was only 20 years old.
I was, I am and I always will be extremely proud of her for her success gained by her hard work
So, now you see why I have such stated love for math, science, accounting, et al.
How many of you followed the WTS direction on education years ago and have been screwed by it?
by Julia Orwell ini'm really interested in this question because i've heard for years that if you forgo further education and go pioneering, when you have a family down the track you will get a good job because jehovah will provide for you because you pioneered.
as long as i was a kool-aid drinker, even then, i thought, "how does pioneering pay your bills?
surely education should come first.
Dear Lois...
...is it truly an internet hug or may it -perhaps - call its place of origin 'Metropolis'?